Urdu to English Dictionary: د

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د dāl
د dāl called دال مـﮩمله or غيرمعجمه is the eighth letter of the Arabic, and the tenth of the Persian alphabet. In the representation of Hindī words by the letters of these alphabets, it denotes the Nāgarī द (da); or, with ه (he) subjoined, ध (dha). In the numerical application of the Arabic al- phabet, د (dāl) stands for four; hence, in al- manacks, it represents the fourth day of the week, Wednesday: it is, moreover, used in astronomy to denote the planet Mercury, or the sign Leo of the Zodiack. This letter, in Persian, may be changed to ت (te); as, in بتر for بدتر Worse: or, when the next preceding letter is ,و,ا, or ي, or is moveable by a short vowel, it may be converted to ذ (ẕāl); as استاذ for استاد A master, گنبذ for گنبد A dome: (see Lumsdenʼs Persian Gram. p. 24). And, in Arabic words of the measure افتعال, when ,ذ,د or ز is the first letter of the root, د (dāl) is substituted for the servile ت (te); as, in ازدحام from زحم.
داب dāb
داب dāb A (from دأب To take pains, to labour. Heb. and Ch. To suffer pain, grief, or pa- tience) s. m. 1. Custom, manner, institution. 2. State, condition. 3. Vehement or forcible propulsion. داب صحبت dāb-i-ṣuḥbat, s. m. Good manners, civilisation.
دابانل dābānal
دابانل dābānal S (दावानल comp. of दाव Forest, and अनल Fire) s. m. Fire in a forest.
دابت dābat
دابت dābat H s. (dakh) Curse, imprecation.
دابنا dābnā
دابنا dābnā H (trans. of دبنا) v. a. 1. To press down, to suppress, to snub. 2. To squeeze. داب رکهنا dāb rakhnā, 1. Toconceal, to steal and conceal. 2. To press (particularly, with the thighs), to retain by pressure, to gripe (as, money). داب لينا dāb lenā, To outgrow.
دات dāt दातृत्व
دات dāt दातृत्व S̱. s. m. Bountifulness. ¶ For دانت dānt, q. v. S. داتا दाता (r. दा Give) dātā, adj. Liberal, generous; subst. Giver, benefactor, donor.
داتن dātan दन्तधावन
داتن dātan दन्तधावन S̱. s. f. A toothbrush.
داج dāj
داج dāj A (from دجا) s. m. 1. Darkness, obscu- rity. 2. A dark night.
داخل dāḵẖil
داخل dāḵẖil A (from دخل) part. act. 1. Entering, penetrating, arriving. 2. (adjectively) Entered, produced. 3. (substantively) Inside, interiour part; within. داخل خارج کرنا dāḵẖil ḵẖārij karnā, To transfer property (by taking out the name of the former proprietor from a deed or register and inserting that of the new). داخل کرنا dāḵẖil karnā, To cause to enter or arrive, to place or fix in; to produce, to include, to insert or introduce. داخل هونا dāḵẖil honā, To enter, to arrive, to penetrate, to belong, to appertain, to be inserted.
داخلا dāḵẖilā
داخلا dāḵẖilā A. (properly داخله from دخل) s. m. A receipt for money, &c.
داخلي dāḵẖil-ī
داخلي dāḵẖil-ī A. (from داخل) adj. Contained, belonging to, inherent.
داد dād
داد dād P s. f. (dakh. s. m.) 1. Gift, giving. 2. Justice, law, equity. 3. Crying out for justice, complaint. 4. Revenge. 5. part. pass. (of دادن) used in compos. Given; as, خدا داد ḵẖudā-dād, Given by God. 6. (Sans. दद्रु) A ringworm. داد بيداد کرنا dād be-dād karnā, To demand justice. داد خواه dād-ḵẖẉāh, Demanding justice, a petitioner for justice, a plaintiff, suitor. داد خواهش dād-ḵẖẉāhish, or داد خواهي dād-ḵẖẉāh-ī, s. f. Demanding of justice. داد دهش dād-dihish, s. f. Liberality, beneficence, a present. داد ديني dād denī, 1. To praise oneʼs actions properly. 2. To make reparation. داد رس dād-ras, Administering justice, redresser of grievances. داد رسي dād-ras-ī, s. f. Redress of grievances, the administering justice. داد کرنا dād karnā, To make complaint (of injustice, &c.). داد کوپـﮩنچنا dād ko pahunchnā, To ad- minister justice, to do justice, to obtain justice. داد گر dād-gar, Administrator of justice; just (prince, &c.). داد ليني dād lenī, To take re- venge. دادملني dād milnī, v. n. To obtain redress. داد و بيداد dād-o-bedād, Crying out for help or justice. داد و ستد dād-o-sitad, s. f. (Giving and taking) traffick, settlement.
داد dād दद्रु
داد dād दद्रु S̱. s. m. A ringworm, herpes.
داد مردن dād-mardan
داد مردن dād-mardan S̱. (Sans. दद्रुमर्द्दन) s. m. Name of a plant, used to cure the ringworm. (Cassia alata).
دادا dādā
دادا dādā H s. m. 1. Paternal grandfather. 2. Elder brother.
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