Urdu to English Dictionary: غ

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غ g̠ẖain
غ g̠ẖain called غين معجمه or غين منقوطه the nineteenth letter of the Arabic and twenty-second of the Persian alphabet, has no corre- sponding character in Sanskrit. It is one of the guttural letters; its sound being like that of the Northumberland r, or like a g uttered with compression deeply in the throat: and, it has
غابر g̠ẖābir
غابر g̠ẖābir A (part. act. of غبر) adj. 1. Left, re- mained. 2. Passing away.
غار g̠ẖār
غار g̠ẖār A s. m. A cavern, a pit. يار غار yār-i-g̠ẖār, A companion in a cave, (meaning) an intimate friend. (See under يار yār). ¶ g̠ẖārr (part. act. of غرّ) s. m. A deceiver.
غارت g̠ẖārat
غارت g̠ẖārat A s. (when compounded with a verb, this latter may be mas. or fem. agreeable to the gender of the object of the action) Rapine, plunder, devastation. غارت غول g̠ẖārat-g̠ẖol, 1. s. m. Sudden loss or destruction. 2. adj. Suddenly or unexpectedly lost. غارت کرنا g̠ẖā- rat karnā, To plunder, ravage, spoil. غارتگر g̠ẖārat-gar, A plunderer, an oppressor.
غاره g̠ẖāra
غاره g̠ẖāra A. s. m. Cave: see غار g̠ẖār.
غاريقون g̠ẖārīḳūn
غاريقون g̠ẖārīḳūn G. s. m. Agarick. (Gr. *agarikon).
غازه g̠ẖāza
غازه g̠ẖāza P s. m. Red colour with which wo- men paint the face: see اپٿن or غازه کاري .اپٿنا g̠ẖāza-kārī, s. f. Painting the face with a red colour.
غازي g̠ẖāzī
غازي g̠ẖāzī A (part. act. of غزا or غزو To purpose, to intend, to undertake a military expedition. Heb. To be strong or brave) s. m. A conqueror, a hero, one who fights against infidels. (Pers. plur. غازيان). غازي مرد g̠ẖāzī-mard, A hero; (met.) a horse. غازي ميان g̠ẖāzī-miyāṅ, was nephew of Sult̤ān Maḥmūd G̱ẖaznawī; a festival is held in commemoration of him at the beginning of May. A.P. غازيانه g̠ẖāziyāna, adv. Bravely.
غازيه g̠ẖāziya
غازيه g̠ẖāziya A s. (for قوةغازية) The faculty of intending or of purposing.
غاشيه g̠ẖāshiya
غاشيه g̠ẖāshiya A (from غشو) s. m. A saddle- cloth, a covering for a saddle.
غافل g̠ẖāfil
غافل g̠ẖāfil A (part. act. of غفل) adj. Negligent, neglectful, inattentive, remiss, indolent, sense- less, imprudent, careless, thoughtless. (Pers. plur. غافلان). A.P. غافلي g̠ẖāfil-ī, s. f. Negligence, carelesness.
غال g̠ẖāl
غال g̠ẖāl P 1. part. in compos. (of غاليدن) Rolling or wallowing on the side. 2. The nest of the bee or wasp. 3. A burrow or hole made by wild animals to breed in: a cave made by shepherds to keep their flocks in at night in the desert.
غالب g̠ẖālib
غالب g̠ẖālib A part. act. (of غلب) Overcoming, overpowering, victorious, predominant, excel- ling, superiour, most likely. غالب هونا g̠ẖālib- honā, To overcome, to excel, to conquer, to be victorious (over).
غالبا g̠ẖālibaṉ
غالبا g̠ẖālibaṉ A adv. Chiefly, principally, mostly, apparently, probably, most likely, upon the whole.
غالي g̠ẖālī
غالي g̠ẖālī A (part. act. of غلو) 1. adj. Dear, precious. 2. (for قالي) s. f. A carpet, tapestry.
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