English Meaning of دابنا dābnā

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دابنا dābnā : دابنا dābnā H (trans. of دبنا) v. a. 1. To press down, to suppress, to snub. 2. To squeeze. داب رکهنا dāb rakhnā, 1. Toconceal, to steal and conceal. 2. To press (particularly, with the thighs), to retain by pressure, to gripe (as, money). داب لينا dāb lenā, To outgrow.

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دروني darūn-ī
دروني darūn-ī P adj. Internal, interiour.
دهلا dahlā
دهلا dahlā P. (from ده) s. m. Ten (at cards).
دهندهاري dhandhār-ī
دهندهاري dhandhār-ī H s. f. Solitude.
دهاٴي dhāʼe धात्री
دهاٴي dhāʼe धात्री S̱. s. f. A nurse. H.S̱. دهاٴي ماررونا dhāʼe mār ronā, To cry, to groan, to weep bitterly. See دهاه مارنا dhāh mārnā.
دپٿانا dapṭānā
دپٿانا dapṭānā H (caus. of دپٿنا) v. a. To gallop.
دهير dhīr
دهير dhīr S 1. adj. (धीर) Resolute, firm, steady, patient, sedate. 2. s. m. (धैर्य्य) Re- solution, firmness, patience, deliberateness, se- dateness.
دهمار dhamār
دهمار dhamār H s. m. 1. Name of a chime or time in musick. 2. The same as دهمال dhammāl.
دندارو dandārū
دندارو dandārū H s. m. A blister, a pimple.
دهولي dhūlī धूलि
دهولي dhūlī धूलि S̱. s. f. Dust.
دهنـيـﮩ‍ا dhunehā
دهنـيـﮩ‍ا dhunehā S̱. (from دهنا dhunnā) s. m. A carder of cotton, a comber.
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