Urdu to English Dictionary: ص

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ص ṣād
ص ṣād called صاد مہمله and صادغيرمنقوطه the four- teenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, does not properly occur in the Persian language; but, in a few words it has, in modern times, been substituted for the original س to distinguish them from others of a different signification; as, in صد, originally سد One hundred; and in شصت originally شست Sixty; to prevent their being confounded with سد A wall, and شست An aim. It has no corresponding let- ter in the Sanskrit alphabet. In Persia and
صابر ṣābir
صابر ṣābir A (part. act. of صبر) adj. Patient.
صابن ṣāban
صابن ṣāban A. s. m. Soap. (Hence Gr. *sa/pwn).
صابون ṣābūn
صابون ṣābūn A s. m. Soap. (Hence Gr. *sa/pwn).
صاحب کران ṣāḥib-ḳirān
صاحب کران ṣāḥib-ḳirān A s. m. An invincible hero, a great emperour.
صاحب ṣāḥib
صاحب ṣāḥib A (part. act. from صحبت) s. m. A lord, master, companion; (in compos.) pos- sessor, possessed of, endowed with, &c. (Plur. Arab. اصحاب or صحاب or in Pers. صاحبان). صاحب اختيار ṣāḥib-i-iḵẖtiyār, Possessed of free election, or option. صاحب اقبال ṣāḥib-iḳ- bāl, Fortunate, prosperous. صاحب تاج ṣāḥib- i-tāj, Possessed of the crown, a king. صاحب تخت ṣāḥib-i-taḵẖt, Possessor of the throne, a king. صاحب تمکنت ṣāḥib-i-tamkanat, Pos- sessed of dignity. صاحب جمال ṣāḥib-i-jamāl, adj. Beautiful. صاحب حال و قال ṣāḥib-i-ḥāl-o-ḳāl, Intelligent, polite, well-informed. صاحب خانه ṣāḥib-i-ḵẖāna, Master of the house. صاحب درد ṣāḥib-i-dard, Compassionate. صاحب دل ṣāḥib-dil, A pious man, a good man. صاحب زاده ṣāḥib-zāda, Genteelly born, a young gentle- man. صاحب سليقه ṣāḥib-salīka, Endowed with taste, a man of taste. صاحب طبع ṣāḥib-t̤abﻌ, Possessed of genius, a person of discernment, genius, or taste. صاحب طريقت ṣāḥib-i-t̤arī- ḳat, One of the way, or religion, or sect. صاحب غرض ṣaḥib-i-g̠ẖaraẓ, Designing, selfish.
صاحبه ṣāḥiba
صاحبه ṣāḥiba A (fem. of صاحب) s. f. A lady, mis- tress, &c.
صاحبي ṣāḥib-ī
صاحبي ṣāḥib-ī A. s. f. 1. Rule, command, lord- ship. 2. A kind of grape so called. 3. A kind of silk cloth. صاحبي کرنا ṣāḥib-ī karnā, To lord, to rule, to govern.
صاد ṣād
صاد ṣād A s. f. The fourteenth letter of the Ara- bic alphabet.
صادر ṣādir
صادر ṣādir A (part. act. of صدر) adj. Proceeding, produced, derived, happened, arrived, passed, issued. صادرهونا ṣādir honā, To proceed, to be produced, derived, emerged, issued, &c.
صادق ṣādiḳ
صادق ṣādiḳ A (part. act. of صدق Heb. To be, or be esteemed, just) adj. True, just, sincere. صادق القول ṣādiḳu-l-ḳaul, Speaking truth. A.P. صادقي ṣādiḳ-ī, s. f. Sincerity, truth.
صاعقه ṣāʼiﻌḳa
صاعقه ṣāʼiﻌḳa A (from صعق Heb. and Chal. To call aloud, make a noise, thunder, strike with lightning) s. Lightning, a thunderbolt.
صاف ṣāf
صاف ṣāf A. (contract. of صافي part. act. of صفو Heb. To be clean or clear) adj. Clean, clear, pure, candid, innocent, downright, flat. صاف دل ṣāf-dil, adj. Of a pure heart, candid, frank.
صافي ṣāf-ī
صافي ṣāf-ī A. 1. s. f. (from صاف) Cleanness, pu- rity. 2. Sincerity, candour. 3. A filter or cloth through which drinks, medicines, &c. are strained, a strainer. 4. part. act. (of صفو) Pure, clean, &c. See صاف ṣāf. صافي نامه ṣāfī- nāma, s. m. A general release, discharge from an obligation. See under راضي rāẓī.
صالح ṣāliḥ
صالح ṣāliḥ A (part. act. of صلح Heb. To be good or useful) adj. Good, apt, fit, proper. s. m. 1. A man of probity and honour. 2. A sedate, steady person (opposite to enthusiast).
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