Urdu to English Dictionary: ذ

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ذابح ẕābiḥ
ذابح ẕābiḥ A part. act. (of ذبح) A sacrificer, a butcher. سعد الذابح saﻌdu-ẕ-ẕābiḥ, Two bright stars in the left horn of Capricorn.
ذات ẕāt
ذات ẕāt A (from ذو Master, owner, possessor) s. f. (dakh. s. m.) 1. A mistress, possessor. 2. (Sans. जाति) The essence, nature, soul, self,
ذاتي ẕāt-ī
ذاتي ẕāt-ī A adj. (Sans. जातीय) Essential, natural, innate, intrinsick.
ذاف ẕāf
ذاف ẕāf A s. m. Sudden death.
ذاهل ẕāhil
ذاهل ẕāhil A (part. act. of ذهل) adj. Careless, forgetful.
ذايق ẕāʼịk
ذايق ẕāʼịk A part. act. (of ذوق) Tasting.
ذايقه ẕāʼịḳa
ذايقه ẕāʼịḳa A (from ذوق) s. m. The sense of tasting, the palate, relish, taste. ذايقه شناس ẕāʼịka-shinās, Knowing in taste. ذايقه لينا ẕāʼịḳa lenā, To taste.
ذاکر ẕākir
ذاکر ẕākir A part. act. (of ذکر) Remembering, grateful, a praiser of God.
ذبح ẕabḥ
ذبح ẕabḥ A s. f. (heb. ) A sacrifice, slaugh- ter. ذبح کرنا ẕabḥ karnā, 1. To sacrifice, to immolate. 2. To kill (animals for food agreea- bly to the Muhammadan law), to slaughter. ذبح هونا ẕabḥ honā, To be sacrificed or killed, &c.
ذبيح ẕabīḥ
ذبيح ẕabīḥ A (from ذبح) 1. part. Sacrificed. 2. s. m. A sacrifice. ذبيح الله ẕabīḥu-l-lāh, A name of Ismāʼīﻌl, the son of Ibrāhīm.
ذخاير ẕaḵẖāʼịr
ذخاير ẕaḵẖāʼịr A s. plur. (of ذخيره) Victuals, provision, treasures, stores.
ذخر ẕuḵẖr
ذخر ẕuḵẖr A s. m. Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores, munition.
ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra
ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra A s. m. Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores, munition.
ذرا ẕarrā
ذرا ẕarrā A. See ذره ẕarra (Plur. ذرّات).
ذراره ẕurāra
ذراره ẕurāra A (from ذرّ To grind, to powder. Heb. To scatter) s. m. Particles scattered from any thing pounding.
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