Urdu to English Dictionary: م

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م mīm
م mīm the twenty-fourth letter of the Arabic, and twenty-eighth of the Persian alphabet, corresponds to म in Sanskrit. It is one of the labial letters, its sound being that of the English m. When used to denote a number, according to the numerical arrangement of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for forty. It is compared by poets to the mouth; whence it has obtained the name of ميم مرادي mīm-i-murādī: and, by way of abbreviation, it is used to signify the month muḥarram. It is sometimes changed into ن; as, بان for بام A roof: and, at others, it is substituted for ن as, کجيم for کجين A quilted tunick worn in battle. In Persian, affixed to verbs and names of quali- ties, it may be, 1. (ميم متکلم mīm-i-mutakallim) denoting the pronoun of the first person sin- gular; in which case, م is always quiescent, except for some particular reason. This admits of four subdivisions. (1.) Affixed to verbs, it is a pronoun indicating the speaker to be the agent; as, امدم āmadam, I came; ميگويم mīgoyam, I am speaking; خواهم گفت ḵẖẉāham guft, I will speak. The letter preceding is always maftūḥ or pronounced with fatʼḥa, if the agent be in the singular number; but, if it be plural, ي is inserted, and the preceding letter is sākin; as آمديم āmadīm, We came. (2.) ميم مفعول mīm-i-mafʼūﻌl, signifying the same
مآل maʼāl
مآل maʼāl A (from اول) s. m. End, aim, conse- quence, termination, issue, tendency. خير مآل ḵẖair maʼāl, A happy issue or tendency. مآل انديشي maʼāl-andesh-ī, s. f. Consideration of the end or consequence.
مأروش mārūsh
مأروش mārūsh A adj. Created, formed.
مئيي maʼī
مئيي maʼī H s. f. 1. A harrow. 2. A ladder. ن
ما mā
ما mā A (Heb. Chald. ) 1. Which, what, that which, whatsoever, as far as. 2. Why? Wherefore? 3. No, not. 4. How. 5. Some- what, something. مابعد mā baﻌd, What (is) after, following. مابقي يا بقيه mā-baḳī or -ba- ḳīya, The rest, remainder, remnant, arrears, balance. مابه الاحتياج mā bi-hi-l-iḥtiyāj, What- ever is necessary. ما حصل mā ḥaṣal, Any thing collected, the harvest, produce of fruit trees, &c. profit or income. ما حضر mā ḥaẓar, What is present or ready. ما صدق mā ṣadaḳ, What is true. ما فوق mā-fauḳ, What is above or excelling. مافي الضمير mā fi-ẓ-ẓamīr (comp. of ما What, في In, and ضمير Mind) Secret. ما قبل mā ḳabl, What (is) before, before. ما لاکلام mā-lā-kalām, What cannot be told, beyond description. مالا يطاق mā lā yut̤āḳ, Intolerable. مالا ينحل mā lā yanḥall, What cannot be untied or dissolved; inextricable. ما ورا mā warā, What is behind or beyond. ما يتحلل mā ya- taḥallal, That which is dissolved and has va- nished. ما يحتاج mā yuḥtāj, What is neces- sary. ما يؤل mā yaʼūl, What returns, what may come to pass.
ما mā
ما mā P pron. We, us, our.
ما mā माता
ما mā माता S̱. s. f. A mother.
ما باپ mā bāp
ما باپ mā bāp S̱. (माता and वप्र) s. m. Pa- rents.
ما بين mā bain
ما بين mā bain A (ما What, and بين Between) s. Interval, mean-time, interim; adj. Intermediate.
ما خڙا māḵẖaṛā
ما خڙا māḵẖaṛā H adj. Stupid, foolish. See ماچه خر mācha-ḵẖar.
ما मा mā
ما मा mā S s. f. A name of Lachh̤mī.
ماب maʼāb
ماب maʼāb A (from اوب) s. Place of return; receptacle, repository. (Much used in compos. as) عزت مآب iﻌzzat-maʼāb, The seat of gran- deur.
مات māt
مات māt S̱. s. f. 1. (मात्रा) Accent, a vowel. 2. (माता) Mother. ¶ مات کي بهاجي māt kī bhājī (dakh.) Name of a vegetable (Ama- ranthus tristis): see ماٿ کي بهاجي.
مات māt
مات māt P 1. s. f. Checkmate. 2. adj. As- tonished, confounded, outdone. مات کرنا māt karnā, To win, outdo, to beat (at chess).
ماتا mātā
ماتا mātā S 1. (माता) s. f. Mother. 2. The smallpox. 3. (मत्त) adj. Drunk, intoxicated.
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