Urdu to English Dictionary: ث

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ثابت s̤ābit
ثابت s̤ābit A (from ثبوت) adj. Firm, constant, durable, stable, proved, ascertained, sure, valid, confirmed, established, fixed; a fixed star. ثابت رهنا s̤ābit rahnā, To adhere to a person. ثابت قدم s̤ābit-ḳadam, adj. Immovable, stable, resolute, permanent, constant. ثابت کرنا s̤ābit karnā, To confirm, establish, render durable, verify, prove (by witness). ثابت هونا s̤ābit honā, To be proved or confirmed. A.P. ثابت خاني s̤ābit-ḵẖān-ī, A kind of soldier or servant, armed or dressed, probably, agreeable to the device of a ثابت خان.
ثاقب s̤āḳib
ثاقب s̤āḳib A (from ثقب) adj. 1. Shining, splen- did. 2. Sublime, high.
ثالث s̤ālis̤
ثالث s̤ālis̤ A (from ثلث) s. m. 1. The third. 2. An umpire, an arbitrator, a mediator. ثالث ثلاثه s̤ālis̤ s̤alās̤a, s. m. Trinity. ثالث بالخير s̤ālis̤ bi-l-ḵẖair, An unprejudiced arbitrator.
ثالثه s̤ālis̤a
ثالثه s̤ālis̤a A s. f. An arbitress, a mediatrix.
ثالثي s̤ālis̤-ī
ثالثي s̤ālis̤-ī A s. f. Arbitration.
ثامن s̤āmin
ثامن s̤āmin A adj. Eighth.
ثاني s̤ānī
ثاني s̤ānī A 1. adj. Second. 2. s. m. f. The se- cond. ثاني الحال s̤āniyu-l-ḥāl, Another time.
ثانياً s̤āniyaṉ
ثانياً s̤āniyaṉ A adv. Secondly, a second time.
ثانيه s̤āniya
ثانيه s̤āniya A (feminine of ثاني) s. f. The second.
ثبات s̤abāt
ثبات s̤abāt A s. m. Permanency, stability, firmness, resolution, constancy.
ثبت s̤abt
ثبت s̤abt A s. f. Stability, permanency, firmness. ثبت کرنا s̤abt-karnā, To inscribe, to subscribe, to write. ثبت هونا s̤abt-honā, To be inscribed or written.
ثبوت s̤ubūt
ثبوت s̤ubūt A s. m. Firmness, stability, constancy, confirmation by evidence, conviction, proof. adj. Firm, proved.
ثرا s̤arā
ثرا s̤arā A 1. adj. Opulent, rich. 2. s. m. The earth.
ثرايت s̤irāyat
ثرايت s̤irāyat A. s. f. See سرايت sirāyat.
ثروت s̤arwat
ثروت s̤arwat A s. f. 1. Wealth. 2. Multitude. ثروتهُ s̤arwatuhu, His wealth.
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