Urdu to English Dictionary: ط

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ط t̤oʼe
ط t̤oʼe or in Arabic t̤ā, called طاي مہمله or طاي غيرمنقوطه the sixteenth letter of the Arabic al- phabet, does not occur in pure Persian; but, in compliance with Arabic orthography, it is some- times introduced in Persian words which were originally written with ت; as, طبرزد for تبرزد, Sugar-candy; طبرخون for تبرخون, Red sanders.
طاؤس t̤āʼūs
طاؤس t̤āʼūs A (Ch. Gr. *taws) s. m. A pea- cock.
طاب t̤āb
طاب t̤āb A (Heb. ) adj. Sweet, agreeable, good, pure, excellent.
طارم t̤ārim
طارم t̤ārim P. (Pers. تارم) s. m. Any building of a circular form with an arched or cupola roof, a wooden structure in gardens, &c. for the guarding of them.
طاري t̤ārī
طاري t̤ārī A part. act. (of طري) Happening, oc- curring, intervening.
طاس t̤ās
طاس t̤ās A s. m. 1. Brocade. 2. A cup, goblet, bowl, the vessel in which water is cooled.
طاسه t̤āsa
طاسه t̤āsa A s. m. A kind of drum. طاسه نواز t̤asa- nawāz, One who plays on the t̤āsa. طاسه نوازي t̤āsa-nawāz-ī, s. f. Beating the t̤āsa, q. v.
طاعات t̤āʼāﻌt
طاعات t̤āʼāﻌt A s. plur. of طاعت q. v.
طاعت t̤āʼaﻌt
طاعت t̤āʼaﻌt A (from طاع) s. f. Devotion, obe- dience, obsequiousness. (Plur. طاعات).
طاعن t̤āʼiﻌn
طاعن t̤āʼiﻌn A (part. act. of طعن) s. m. An asper- ser, slanderer, reproacher.
طافح t̤āfiḥ
طافح t̤āfiḥ A (part. act. of طفح) adj. Overflowing, full of drink.
طاق t̤āḳ
طاق t̤āḳ A 1. s. m. An arched building, arch, cupola. 2. A recess in a wall, shelf, niche. 3. A window. 4. adj. Unique, singular. 5. Odd (not even). 6. Fold, ply. طاق پررکهنا t̤āḳ par rakhnā (to lay on the shelf) 1. To refuse, to disobey. 2. To neglect, to abandon. طاق پرهونا t̤āḳ par honā, or طاق هونا t̤āḳ honā, To be laid on the shelf, to be thrown aside. طاق جفث t̤āḳ-juft, s. m. The game of odd or even.
طاقت t̤āḳat
طاقت t̤āḳat A s. f. Strength, power, force, pa- tience, ability. طاقت آزماٴي t̤āḳat-āzmā-ī, s. f. Trial of strength. طاقت سي طاق هونا t̤āḳat se t̤āḳ honā, To be weak, feeble, powerless. A.P. طاقچه t̤āḳ-cha, s. m. dimin. of طاق q. v.
طاقي t̤āḳī
طاقي t̤āḳī A. 1. adj. Wall-eyed (a horse). 2. Arched. 3. s. f. Froth of urine.
طالب t̤ālib
طالب t̤ālib A part. act. (of طلب) 1. Asking, de- manding, interrogating. 2. s. m. An inquirer, a seeker, a lover, asker, candidate, exacter. طالب دنيا t̤ālib-i-dunyā, Worldly-minded. طالب علم t̤ālib-i-iﻌlm, Searching after knowledge, a student. طالب علمي t̤ālib-i-iﻌlm-ī, or طالب العلمي t̤ālibu-l-iﻌlm-ī, s. f. Search of knowledge, study. (Plur. Pers. طالبان Arab. طلبا).
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