Urdu to English Dictionary: خ

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خا ḵẖā
خا ḵẖā P part. act. (of خاييدن) in compos. Chewing, eating.
خاتم ḵẖātim
خاتم ḵẖātim A (from ختم Heb. To seal, to close, to finish) s. f. 1. A ring worn on the fin- gers. 2. A seal. خاتم المرسلين ḵẖātimu-l-mur- salīn or خاتم الانبيا ḵẖātimu-l-ambiyā, The seal of the prophets, i. e. Muhammad. خاتم بند ḵẖātim-band, A seal-setter.
خاتمه ḵẖātima
خاتمه ḵẖātima A (from ختم) s. m. Conclusion, epilogue, finis, end. خاتمه بندي ḵẖātima-bandī,
خاتون ḵẖātūn
خاتون ḵẖātūn H s. f. A lady, a matron. خاتون جنت ḵẖātūn-i-jannat, Queen of heaven (a title given to Fātima daughter of Muhammad).
خاد ḵẖād
خاد ḵẖād P s. 1. A kite. 2. An eagle or kind of falcon.
خادم ḵẖādim
خادم ḵẖādim A part. act. (from خدمت) used substantively, A servant. خادم لطلبا ḵẖādimu-t̤- t̤ulabā, A public teacher, a professor (of a col- lege). خادم درگاه ḵẖādim-i-dargāh, A servant who takes care of a tomb, mosque, &c. (Pers. plur. خادمان ḵẖādimān).
خادمه ḵẖādima
خادمه ḵẖādima A s. f. (of خادم ḵẖādim, q. v.) A female servant.
خار ḵẖār
خار ḵẖār P s. m. 1. A thorn, spine, thistle, bramble. 2. A spur, a cockʼs spur. خارانکهونکا ḵẖār ānkhoṅ-kā, An eyesore, disagreeable. خاربندي ḵẖār-band-ī, s. f. A fence or temporary defence made of thorns, &c. خارپشت ḵẖār-pusht, s. m. A porcupine (Hystrix), a hedge-hog. خارخار ḵẖār-ḵẖār, Disquietude. خاردار ḵẖār-dār, Troublesome, arduous, barbed, thorny. خارزار ḵẖār-zār, s. f. A thicket of thorns, &c. خارستان ḵẖār-istān, s. m. Place of thorns, thistles, &c. خارکش ḵẖār-kash, A woodcutter. خاروخس ḵẖār-o-ḵẖas, Sweepings, any thing vile.
خارا ḵẖārā
خارا ḵẖārā P s. 1. A hard stone. 2. A kind of undulated silk-cloth. خاراشگاف ḵẖārā-shigāf, Stone-splitting.
خارج ḵẖārij
خارج ḵẖārij A (from خرج Heb. ) part. or adj. Being out, external, out, without, outcast. خارج کرنا ḵẖārij karnā, To exclude, expel, dispossess.
خارجه ḵẖārija
خارجه ḵẖārija A s. m. The word at the bottom of a page which is repeated at the beginning of the next, an asterisk, a catchword.
خارجي ḵẖārij-ī
خارجي ḵẖārij-ī A s. m. A sect of Muhammadans, who do not reckon Aﻌlī among the legal succes- sours of the prophet. They are the mortal enemies of the Rāfiẓīs or Shīʼaﻌs, who reject
خارش ḵẖārish
خارش ḵẖārish P (from خاريدن) s. f. The itch, the scab, the mange.
خارشت ḵẖārisht
خارشت ḵẖārisht P. s. f. The itch, the scab.
خارشتي ḵẖārisht-ī
خارشتي ḵẖārisht-ī P. adj. Mangy, itchy, scabby.
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