English Meaning of داخلي dāḵẖil-ī

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داخلي dāḵẖil-ī : داخلي dāḵẖil-ī A. (from داخل) adj. Contained, belonging to, inherent.

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دهوسا dhosā
دهوسا dhosā H s. m. A coarse kind of shawl.
دادر dādur दर्दुर
دادر dādur दर्दुर S̱. s. m. A frog.
ديوٿي deʼoṭī
ديوٿي deʼoṭī S̱. (from दीप) s. (dakh.) A torch.
ده dih
ده dih P 1. s. m. A village. 2. (in compos. from دادن) part. act. Giving, giver. 3. ¶ dah, adj. Ten. ده چند dah-chand, adj. Tenfold, ten times. ده چندگي dah-chanda-gī, s. f. Tenfold (a word with which they return a salutation). ده در دنيا ستردرآخرت dah dar dunyā sattar dar āḵẖirat, A benediction of faḳīrs, meaning, charity will be returned sevenfold in the next world. (It is probably a corrupt. of Pers. phrase, Dah dar dunyā ṣad dar āḵẖirat, Ten in this world, a hundred in the next). ده دله dah-dil-a, adj. 1. Faithless, inconstant. 2. Brave, bold. ده روزه dah-roz-a, A ten days, a decade. ده مني dah-mann-ī, adj. Holding ten mann. ده يک dah-yak or ده يکي dah-yakī, Tenth part.
دهرتا धर्त्ता dhartā
دهرتا धर्त्ता dhartā S s. m. A debtor.
دهنيس धनेश dhanes
دهنيس धनेश dhanes S s. m. The name of a bird with a very large bill. (Buceros).
دنگا dangā
دنگا dangā H s. m. Wrangling, confusion, mu- tiny, sedition, rebellion. دنگي باز dange-bāz, adj. Mutinous, turbulent, riotous.
دهيريا dhīriyā
دهيريا dhīriyā S̱. s. f. A daughter. See دهي dhī.
دونگڙا daungṛā
دونگڙا daungṛā H s. m. A heavy shower.
درماها dar-māh-ā
درماها dar-māh-ā P. s. m. Monthly wages, sa- lary, pay. درماها دار dar-māhā-dār, One who receives monthly wages.
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