ن nūn The twenty-fifth letter of the Arabic and twenty-ninth of the Persian alphabet, corre- sponds to न in Sanskrit. It is one of the dental letters, and has the sound of the English n, with the following exceptions. 1. When it is quiescent in the middle or end of a word, and follows a madda or simple long vowel, it has a very slight nasal sound; as, in زبون Bad, زمان Time, زمين The earth, ماندن To remain: this is called نون غنب nūn-i-g̠ẖunna. If, how- ever, the word at the end of which it occurs be so placed in composition that the ن become moveable by iẓāfat, it ceases to be nasal and resumes its original sound as a dental letter. 2. When it precedes ب or پ it has the sound of m; as, in منبر mimbar, A pulpit; سنپت