ش shīn called شين معجمه or شين منقوطه is the thirteenth letter of the Arabic and sixteenth of the Persian alphabet, corresponding nearly to श in Sanskrit. Its sound is that of the English sh; of the French ch, as in cheval; and, of the Italian sc, as in scimia. In denoting numbers by the letters of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for 300. It is used as an abbreviation for the word شمال North; and, in dates of letters, &c. for the month شعبان. In Persian it may be used, 1. To mark the pro- noun of the third person singular, in the genitive or accusative case; as, نامش His name, ثنايش His praise, گفتمش for گفتم اورا I said to him: and, it is frequently disjoined from the noun to which it has reference; as in this line of G̱ẖanīmat, زحيرتہا خرد گرديد آبش His under- standing was turned to water by astonishment, for ازحيرتہا خردش آب شد. If, moreover, it relates to the same person as the agent of the sentence, it stands for the reciprocal pronoun خود; as نہد خورهرطرف دامي زتارش کزان روپرتوي گردد شکارش The sun spreads in every direction a net made of his rays; that, by means thereof he may catch a reflected image. 2. To form the ḥāṣil bi-l-maṣdar, verbal noun or noun of action. In this