Urdu to English Dictionary: و

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و wāw
و wāw the twenty-sixth letter of the Arabic and thirtieth of the Persian alphabet, corresponds to व in Sanskrit. When used to denote a num- ber, according to the Arabs, it stands for six. In ephemerides it represents Friday and the sign Libra. This letter is sometimes a consonant; when it is one of the labial letters, having the sound of the English w or v. It is also one of the حرف علت ḥurūf-i-iﻌllat, or weak letters; when it may serve with the vowel ẓamm or fatʼḥa, conveyed by the preceding consonant, to denote the different sounds of o, ū, and au. As the و is homogenous with ẓamm, if the former is quiescent and immediately following the latter, the sound of ẓamm is only prolonged by it, and the result is a simple long vowel. This vowel may have the power of either o or ū: when it has that of the first, the و is termed majʼhūl (unknown, concealed); either, because it does not occur in the Arabic language, or because the sound of ẓamm is here obscured by an ad- mixture of that of fatʼḥa: it is, also, called واوفارسي and واوعجمي. And when it has the power of ū, it is termed maﻌrūf (known); from its occurring in Arabic and exhibiting the full sound of ẓamm. When the quiescent و follows a letter having the vowel fatʼḥa, the diphthong au is formed, and the و is then called واوساکن ماقبل مفتوح. After the vowel kasr it never occurs. In some cases و though written, is not pronounced. Thus (1) in the words دو Two, تو Thou, چو When, &c. the sounds are simply those of ẓamm without prolongation; as, in this line of Niz̤āmī, چوتوگرکسي باشد آنہم توٴي chu to gar kase bāshad, ān-ham tuʼī, where the first syllable is short. This is called واوبيان ضمه wāw-i-bayān-i-ẓamma. (2) After خ which has
و वि wi
و वि wi S prep. Denoting disunion, separation, division, distinction; away, apart, distinct. It is the reverse of सम्.
وا wā
وا wā P 1. adj. Open. 2. adv. Again, back. 3. prep. With; as وا اوگفتم for با اوگفتم I spoke with him. 4. interj. An expression of pain. واشد wā-shud, s. f. or واشدن wā-shudan, s. Becoming open, expanding, opening. واکرنا wā- karnā, v. a. To open. وامانده wā-mānda, (1.) Tired, fatigued. (2.) Remaining behind. (Plur. وا ماندگان). واهونا wā honā, v. n. To become open; to open, be freed or liberated, become cheerful or relieved of sorrow. 5. s. See آش āsh.
وا wā
وا wā H (वा in Braj) pron. 3d pers. sing. inflect. Him, her, it, that.
وابسته wā-basta
وابسته wā-basta P adj. Bound, related, connected, depending on; (subst.) An adherent, dependant.
وابستگان wā-basta-gān
وابستگان wā-basta-gān P s. m. plur. Connexions, relations, adherents.
واثق wās̤iḳ
واثق wās̤iḳ A (part. act. of وثق) adj. 1. Strong, robust. 2. Firm, secure, confiding, depending upon.
واجب wājib
واجب wājib A (part. act. of وجب) adj. Neces- sary, incumbent, obligatory, expedient, proper, worthy, convenient, fit, meet, just, reasonable.
واجبي wājib-ī
واجبي wājib-ī A. adj. Necessary, expedient, al- lowable; that which is necessary or expedient.
واحد wāḥid
واحد wāḥid A (part. act. of وحد Heb. ) adj. One, sole, individual, single, singular. واحد شاهد wāḥid shāhid, 1. God is my witness. 2. (met.) Giving, bestowing.
واخي wāḵẖe
واخي wāḵẖe H s. m. (dakh.) Trouble, in trouble: see تکليف taklīf.
واد वाद wād
واد वाद wād S s. m. Discussion, dispute, asser- tion: see باد bād.
وادي wādī
وادي wādī A (from ودي or rather Heb. To divide, spread, expand) s. f. 1. A valley, vale, any low ground. 2. The channel of a river. 3. A river. 4. A desert.
وار wār
وار wār H s. m. A blow, wound, gash, assault.
وار wār
وار wār P (in compos. means) 1. Like, resem- bling. 2. Having, possessing, endowed with; as, شاه وار shāh-wār, Worthy of a king. اميد وار ummaid-wār, Hopeful.
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