English Meaning of دادا dādā

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دادا dādā : دادا dādā H s. m. 1. Paternal grandfather. 2. Elder brother.

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دولت daulat
دولت daulat A (from دول) s. f. (dakh. s. m.) 1. Happiness, felicity, riches, wealth. 2. Fortune, prosperity; empire, state or government. دولتخانه daulat-ḵẖāna, s. m. (house of fortune) A palace, a house (your house). دولتخانه خاص daulat-ḵẖāna-e-ḵẖāṣṣ, A royal residence, the kingʼs palace. دولت خواه daulat-ḵẖẉāh, Wishing prosperity or empire, well-wisher, loyal. دولتخواهي daulat-ḵẖẉāh-ī, s. f. The wishing happiness or prosperity or empire, good
دوب dūb दूर्ब्बा
دوب dūb दूर्ब्बा S̱. Name of a grass. (Agrostis linearis).
دوهتري दौहित्री dauhitrī
دوهتري दौहित्री dauhitrī S s. f. Daughterʼs daughter.
دهون dhaūṅ
دهون dhaūṅ H 1. s. m. A weight of 20 ser. 2. Whether.
دهانا duhānā
دهانا duhānā S̱. (causal of دوهنا from दोहन) v. a. To cause to milk.
دهپاڙ dhapāṛ
دهپاڙ dhapāṛ H s. Running, race.
درد durd
درد durd P s. f. Sediment, dregs, lees.
دهگي dahaggī
دهگي dahaggī S̱. or dhaggī (r. दह Burn) s. (dakh.) Heat: see گرمي garm-ī.
دالدري dālidr-ī
دالدري dālidr-ī S̱. adj. See داردري dāridr-ī.
درماهه dar-māh-a
درماهه dar-māh-a P. s. m. Monthly wages, sa- lary, pay. درماها دار dar-māhā-dār, One who receives monthly wages. S. درمتي (दुर्मति i. e. दुर् Bad, and मति Un- derstanding) dur-matī, s. f. Folly, foolishness.
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