Urdu to English Dictionary: ح

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حاتم ḥātim
حاتم ḥātim A (from حتم Heb. To seal, to sign, to confirm, to decide, to judge) part. act. used substantively, 1. A judge. 2. A
حاجب ḥājib
حاجب ḥājib A (from حجب q. v.) s. m. 1. A porter, a door-keeper, a chamberlain. 2. A curtain, a skreen. 3. The eyebrow.
حاجت ḥājat
حاجت ḥājat A (from حاج Heb. Moved round, frequented, stood in need of) s. f. 1. Need, want, necessity, poverty. 2. Hope, wish. حاجت برآر ḥājat-bar-ār, Producing what is wanted or desired. حاجت رفع کرنا ḥājat rafﻌ karnā, 1. To relieve oneʼs neces- sities. 2. To go to the necessary. حاجت مند ḥājat-mand, adj. 1. Necessitous, indigent. 2. Hoping, depending. حاجت روا ḥājat-rawā, adj. Supplying or obtaining what is needed. حاجت رواٴي ḥajat-rawā-ī, s. f. The obtaining what is wanted or needed. (Plur. حاجات).
حاجي ḥājī
حاجي ḥājī A (part. act. from حجّ Heb. He turned round, danced, celebrated a festival; pe- culiarly, performed the pilgrimage to Mecca) s. m. A pilgrim to Mecca. حاجي الحرمين ḥājiyu-l-ḥaramain, A pilgrim to both Mecca and Medīna. (Plur. حجاج).
حاد ḥādd
حاد ḥādd A (from حدت which from حدّ Heb. Was sharp or swift) adj. Acrid, sharp, bit- ter, sour, ardent, fiery, poignant, caustick.
حادث ḥādis̤
حادث ḥādis̤ A (from حدث Heb. Was new, existed for the first time) adj. New, just ap- pearing. حادث هونا ḥādis̤ honā, To appear, to emerge, to happen, to occur.
حادثه ḥādis̤a
حادثه ḥādis̤a A s. m. A novelty, incident, acci- dent, occurrence, event, adventure, calamity, misfortune.
حادق ḥādiḳ
حادق ḥādiḳ A (from حدق) adj. Ingenious, skil- ful, industrious, adept.
حاذق ḥāẕiḳ
حاذق ḥāẕiḳ A (from حذق Was acute, pricked, stimulated) adj. Ingenious, skilful, penetrating, intelligent, excelling, adept.
حاسد ḥāsid
حاسد ḥāsid A (from حسد) 1. adj. Envious. 2. s. m. An enemy. (Pers. plur. حاسدان).
حاشا ḥāshā
حاشا ḥāshā A (from حشي or حاش) 1. adv. Be- sides. 2. or حاشا لله ḥāshā li-l-lāh, interj. God forbid, by no means. حاشاک ḥāshā-ka and حاشالک ḥāshā-li-ka, Far be it from thee. حاشاک الله ḥāshā-ka-l-lāh, God preserve thee from it.
حاشيه ḥāshiya
حاشيه ḥāshiya A (from حشو) s. m. 1. A margin, hem, border. 2. A marginal note. 3. People of inferiour rank.
حاصل ḥāṣil
حاصل ḥāṣil A (part. act. of حصول) s. m. 1. Pro- duce, product, result, inference. 2. Acquiring. 3. Profit. 4. Corn. 5. A tax, duty, custom, revenue. حاصل بازار ḥāṣil-i-bāzār, s. m. Collec- tions or duties of a market. حاصل ضرب ḥāsil- i-ẓarb, The product of multiplication. حاصل کرنا ḥāsil karnā, 1. To acquire, to get, to obtain, to accomplish. 2. To gain. 3. To produce. 4. To collect. 5. To learn. حاصل کلام ḥāṣil- i-kalām, In short, briefly. حاصل هونا ḥāṣil honā, To be acquired, or obtained, to result, to accrue.
حاضر ḥāẓir
حاضر ḥāẓir A (part. act. of حضور) adj. Present, ready, at hand, willing, content; the second person (in grammar). Plur. Arab. حاضرين ḥāẓirīn, Pers. حاضران ḥāẓirān, The people pre- sent. حاضر باش ḥāẓir-bāsh (be ready) adj. Content, attendant. حاضر باشي ḥāẓir-bāsh-ī, s. f. Constant attendance. حاضر جواب ḥāẓir- jawāb, adj. Pert, answering wittily, smart. حاضر جوابي ḥāẓir-jawāb-ī, s. f. Repartee. حاضر رهنا ḥāẓir rahnā, To attend, to wait on. حاضر ضامن ḥāẓir-ẓāmin, s. m. Bail security for the appearance of another, a bondsman. حاضر ضامني ḥāẓir-ẓāmin-ī, s. f. 1. The act of giving bail for another. 2. A bail-bond. حاضر و ناظر ḥāẓir-o-nāz̤ir, adj. Present and seeing. حاضر هونا ḥāẓir honā, To be at hand, to be ready, to consent.
حاضرات ḥāẓirāt
حاضرات ḥāẓirāt A s. f. Commanding or impri- soning demons, &c., raising the devil.
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