Urdu to English Dictionary: ر

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ر re
ر re called راي مـﮩمله and راي غيرمنقوطه is the tenth letter in the Arabic and twelfth in the Per- sian alphabet, corresponding to र in Sanskrit. Its pronunciation is that of the English r when fully sounded. In denoting numbers by the letters of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for 200. It is interchangeable with ل and د; as, يدسل for يرسل he will send; دجره for دجله the river Tigris; اروند for الوند the name of a mountain. Sometimes ي is used for it; as, قيراط for قرّاط the name of a weight. In Hindī, besides ल it is also interchanged with ड. In almanacks, it is the astronomical character for the moon: and, in dates, it denotes the month ربيع الاوّل.
رأي rāʼe
رأي rāʼe A s. f. Wisdom, opinion, thought, no- tion, counsel.
رؤف raʼuf
رؤف raʼuf A (from رأف) adj. Merciful, forgiving.
رئييس raʼīs
رئييس raʼīs A (from راس Heb. The head) s. m. 1. A prince, a chief, head, principal, president, commander, captain, pilot. 2. Citizen. ز
راب rāb
راب rāb H s. f. Sirup. (Pers. رب rub).
رابطه rābit̤a
رابطه rābit̤a A (part. act. from ربط rabt̤, q. v.) s. m. Whatever serves to bind one thing to another, bond, connexion.
رابن रावण rāban
رابن रावण rāban S or rāvaṇa, n. prop. See راون. (It is said, that Vish̤ṇu, having an in- clination for war, occasioned a Brāhmaṇ to curse his two door-keepers जय and विजय wishing that they might be born on earth three times, returning after each time to their origi- nal forms of porters to the deity. By these means, Vish̤ṇu contrived to be nearly matched on earth, so as to have a good battle. They first appeared as Hiraṇyāksh̤a and Hiraṇya- kashipu; then, as Rāvaṇa and Kumbhakarṇa; and, lastly, as Sisupāl and Dantavaktra; in each of which characters they opposed the deity in different avatārs.
رابنا rābnā
رابنا rābnā H v. n. (dakh.) To labour.
رابڙي rābṛī
رابڙي rābṛī H s. f. A kind of food like pap.
رات rāt रात्रि
رات rāt रात्रि S̱. s. f. Night. رات تهوڙي اورسانگ بـﮩت rāt thoṛī aur sāng bahut, is applied to express a hurry of business with little time to perform it in; also great expense with a small income. Mīr says:-- بن جو کچهـ بن سکي جواني مين رات تهوڙي هي اوربـﮩت هي سانگ Ban jo kuchh ban sake jawānī meṇ; rāt thoṛī hai aur bahut hai sāng, Acquire whatever you can in the season of youth: the task is arduous and the time short. (Ars longa vita brevis. Hippoc.). آدهي رات ādhī rāt, Midnight. راتون رات rātoṅ rāt, In the middle of the night.
راتا rātā रक्त
راتا rātā रक्त S̱. adj. 1. Red. 2. Died, coloured.
راتب rātib
راتب rātib A s. m. Daily allowance of food (to animals, particularly dogs and elephants), al- lowance, portion, provision.
راتبه rātiba
راتبه rātiba A s. m. Salary, stipend, pay.
راتر रात्रि rātr
راتر रात्रि rātr S or rātri, s. f. Night. See رات.
راتنا rātnā
راتنا rātnā S̱. (from راتا) 1. v. a. To die (with co- lour), to stain. 2. v. n. To be strongly attached or in love (lit. stained with the die of love).
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