Urdu to English Dictionary: ج

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جا jā
جا jā P s. f. A place. جا بجا jā-ba-jā, adv. Every where. جانشين jā-nishīn, s. m. A lo- cum tenens, a deputy, a successor, a vicegerent. جانشيني jā-nishīn-ī, s. f. Sitting in the place; lieutenancy, succession.
جا जा jā
جا जा jā H (in Braj) pron. rel. inflect. sing. Whom, what, which, any one.
جاؤ jāʼo
جاؤ jāʼo S̱. (from جانا) s. Going.
جاب jāb
جاب jāb H s. m. 1. Muzzle for large cattle. 2. A net for fruit. 3. A sort of grass.
جابر jābir
جابر jābir A (from جبر) part. act. Despot, tyrant.
جابي jābī
جابي jābī H s. f. Muzzle for small cattle. See جاب jāb.
جات jāt
جات jāt S̱. (जाति r. जन Produce) s. f. 1. (Arab. ذات) Cast, sect, tribe, class, race. 2. Birth, production. جات پانت jāt-pānt, or jāt- pānti, s. f. A pedigree. جاتکرم jāt-karm, s. m. A sacrificial ceremony directed to be performed at the birth of a child.
جات jāt
جات jāt P A termination or affix sometimes added by the moderns to Persian or Arabic words ending in ه to denote the plural; as in ميوه جات Fruits.
جاتري यात्री jātrī
جاتري यात्री jātrī S s. m. A pilgrim.
جاتي जाती jātī
جاتي जाती jātī S s. f. Great flowered jas- mine. (Jasminum grandiflorum). جاتي پهل जातीफल jātī-phal, s. m. Nutmeg: see جائي پهل jāʼe-phal.
جاجت jājat
جاجت jājat A s. f. The series of binary com- binations of letters beginning with ج (jīm). S. جاجک याजक (r. यज Worship) jājak, s. m. A Brāhman, who presides at the performance of a religious ceremony, an officiating priest.
جاجم jājam
جاجم jājam H s. f. A cloth thrown over the car- pet to sit on. See جازم. S. جاچک याचक (r. याच Ask, beg) jāchak, s. m. Beggar, petitioner, solicitor, candidate, one who asks or solicits.
جاجک jājak
جاجک jājak H s. m. A player on cymbals or on the tabour.
جاداد jā-dād
جاداد jā-dād P s. f. A place, station, service, employment, consignment.
جادج jādaj
جادج jādaj P s. m. A path. See جاده jāda. S. جادو यादव (from यदु) jādav, s. m. 1. A descendant of Yadu. 2. Kr̤ish̤ṇa, as descended from Yadu. جادوپت jādav-pati, s. m. Lord of the Yādavas, a title of Kr̤ish̤ṇa.
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