چار chār P (Sans. चत्वारः) adj. Four. چارآبرو chār-ābrū, s. m. A kind of dervis who shaves his eyebrows and whiskers. چارآنکهين chār- ānkheṅ (four eyes) s. f. See چارچشم chār- chashm. چارانگل chār-ungal, s. m. A palm (four inches). چارانگلي chār-unglī, s. f. Handʼs breadth. چارآينه chār-āʼīna, s. m. Iron ar- mour. چاربالش chār-bālish, s. m. A throne, couch, or sofa. چاربانگ chār-bāng, adj. Sen- sible, quick, intelligent, alert. چاربيسي chār- bīsī, s. Fourscore. چارپا chār-pā, s. A qua- druped: see چارپايه chār-pāya. چارپاره chār- pāra, adj. Divided into four, four-pieced. چارٿوک chār-ṭūk, adj. Broken (into four pieces). چارجامه chār-jāma, s. m. A kind of saddle (without a tree). چارچشم chār-chashm, s. f. Meeting, interview, the eyes of two people meeting. چارچند chār-chand, adj. Quadruple, fourfold. چارخانه chār-ḵẖāna, 1. adj. Che- quered. 2. s. m. A kind of cloth. چارديواري chār-dīwār-ī, s. f. A court-yard, enclosure, area. چارزانو chār-zānū, A mode of sitting, as tailors sit at work. چارزانوبيٿهنا chār-zānū baiṭhnā, To squat. چارسال chār-sāl, A horse of four years old. چارسو chār-sū, A cross road, two roads crossing each other, a square or court. چارشانه chār-shāna, adj. Tough, hardy. چارضرب chār-ẓarb, adj. Sensible, intelligent (ge- nerally, applied to slaves). چارمغز chār-mag̠ẖz,