Urdu to English Dictionary: ل

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ل lām
ل lām the twenty-third letter of the Arabic, and twenty-seventh of the Persian alphabet, corres- ponds to ल in Sanskrit. It is one of the eight dental letters in Arabic, and its sound is that of the English l. In the denotation of numbers by the letters of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for 30: and, by way of abbreviation, it may repre- sent the month شوال. Its permutations are, 1. In Persian and Hindūstānī into ر and vice versa; as, زرو zarū for زلو zalū, A leech; بار for بال Hair; ديوال for ديوار A wall; تلوار for تروار A sword. 2. In Arabic, in
لئيم laʼīm
لئيم laʼīm A (from لوٴم) adj. 1. Reprehensible. 2. Miserly.
لا lā
لا lā A A negative or privative particle, No, not, by no means, without, there is not; or, like the English negative prefixes, un, in, ir, im. لاابالي lā-ubālī (lit. I care not) adj. Careless, insolent, fearless, licentious, petulant. s. f. Carelessness. لابد lā-budd (لا and 3d pers. sing. pret. pass. of بدّ To separate) 1. adv. Necessarily, infallibly. 2. adj. Unavoidable. لابدي lā-budd-ī, adj. In- evitable, necessary. لاتعد lā-tuʼaﻌdd, That can- not be numbered. لاثاني lā-s̤ānī, adj. Incom- parable. لاجرم lā-jaram, adv. Necessarily,
لاب lāb
لاب lāb S̱. s. m. See لابهہ lābh.
لابه lāba
لابه lāba P s. m. 1. A supplication, request. 2. Ridicule, irony, a jest, any thing facetious. 3. Flattery.
لابهہ लाभ lābh
لابهہ लाभ lābh S s. m. Profit, produce, acquisi- tion. لابهہ کرنا lābh karnā, To attain.
لات lāt
لات lāt A s. m. Name of an idol worshipped by the pagan Arabians.
لات lāt
لات lāt H s. f. A kick. لات مارنا lāt mārnā, To kick.
لاج lāj लज्जा
لاج lāj लज्जा S̱. s. f. Bashfulness, modesty, shame.
لاج ونت lāj-want
لاج ونت lāj-want S̱. (from लज्जावान् mas. or लज्जावती fem.) adj. Modest, bashful, chaste, decent.
لاجها lājhā
لاجها lājhā H s. m. Viscosity, tenacity, gluti- nousness.
لاجورد lājaward
لاجورد lājaward P s. m. 1. Azure. 2. Lapis lazuli.
لاحق lāḥiḳ
لاحق lāḥiḳ A part. act. (of لحق) Reaching, over- taking, adhering, adjoining, pertaining. adj. Adjoined; (substantively) An appendage.
لاد lād
لاد lād H s. f. 1. Load. 2. Bowel. لاد پهاند lād- phānd, s. f. Loading and packing. A. P. لادن lādan (Gr. *la/danon) s. m. Ladanum, a resinous substance exuding from the leaves and branchlets of the Cistus creticus.
لادنا lādnā
لادنا lādnā H (caus. of لدنا) v. a. To load, to lade, to freight.
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