لا lā A A negative or privative particle, No, not, by no means, without, there is not; or, like the English negative prefixes, un, in, ir, im. لاابالي lā-ubālī (lit. I care not) adj. Careless, insolent, fearless, licentious, petulant. s. f. Carelessness. لابد lā-budd (لا and 3d pers. sing. pret. pass. of بدّ To separate) 1. adv. Necessarily, infallibly. 2. adj. Unavoidable. لابدي lā-budd-ī, adj. In- evitable, necessary. لاتعد lā-tuʼaﻌdd, That can- not be numbered. لاثاني lā-s̤ānī, adj. Incom- parable. لاجرم lā-jaram, adv. Necessarily,