Urdu to English Dictionary: ظ

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ظ z̤oʼe
ظ z̤oʼe or in Arabic z̤ā, called ظاٴ معجمه or ظاٴ منقوطو the seventeenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, does not occur in pure Persian, nor has it any corresponding character in the Sanskrit alphabet. In the notation of numbers by the Arabic let- ters, it stands for 900. It is one of the radical letters; and, when it commences a verbal root, the servile ت in the measure تفعّل or تفاعل or افتعال may be changed into ظ and joined with the radical, in such wise as has been described,
ظالم z̤ālim
ظالم z̤ālim A (part. act. of ظلم) 1. s. m. A tyrant, an oppressor. 2. adj. Tyrannical, unjust. 3. (met.) Applied to a beloved person or mistress. ظالم گداز z̤ālim-gudāz, A destroyer of the tyran- nical.
ظاهر z̤āhir
ظاهر z̤āhir A (part. act. of ظﮩر Heb. To shine, to appear) adj. Apparent, evident, open, mani- fest. s. m. The outside, the external, appear- ance. ظاهر پرست z̤āhir-parast, adj. Minding the outside or external; a superficial observer. ظاهر دار z̤āhir-dār, adj. Specious, plausible, showy. ظاهر کرنا z̤āhir karnā, To publish, show, disclose, discover, reveal, exhibit, mani- fest, explain, tell, pretend. ظاهر مين z̤āhir meṅ, Openly, apparently, in publick. ظاهر نما z̤āhir- numā, adj. Specious, plausible. ظاهر هونا z̤āhir- honā, v. n. To become publick or manifest, to be revealed, to be disclosed, to appear; the re- velation.
ظاهري z̤āhir-ī
ظاهري z̤āhir-ī A. adj. External, apparent.
ظاهرًا z̤āhir-aṉ
ظاهرًا z̤āhir-aṉ A or z̤āhir-ā, adv. Outwardly, openly, apparently, publickly, manifestly, evi- dently, plainly, seemingly.
ظبي z̤abī
ظبي z̤abī A (Heb. Ch. ) s. m. A deer.
ظرافت z̤arāfat
ظرافت z̤arāfat A s. f. 1. Beauty. 2. Politeness, elegance, gallantry. 3. Wit, humour, jocula- rity, facetiousness.
ظرف z̤arf
ظرف z̤arf A s. m. 1. Ingenuity, elegance, politeness. 2. A vase, vessel; capability. 3. adj. Ingenious. 4. (in grammar) An adverb. ظرف زمان z̤arf-i-zamān, Adverb of time. ظرف مکان z̤arf-i-makān, Adverb of place. (Plur. ظروف z̤urūf, Vessels; adverbs, &c.)
ظريف z̤arīf
ظريف z̤arīf A (from ظرف) adj. 1. Ingenious, po- lite, gallant, good, elegant. 2. Witty, jocose, arch, comical, waggish.
ظفر z̤afar
ظفر z̤afar A s. m. Victory. ظفرآيات z̤afar-āyāt, adj. Victory (in) signs, victorious. ظفر ياب z̤afar-yāb, Victorious, conqueror.
ظل z̤ill
ظل z̤ill A (Ch. ) s. m. Shadow. ظل الله z̤illu- l-lāh, or ظل سبحاني z̤ill-i-subʼḥānī, Shadow of God; (met.) A king, an emperour. دام ظله or ظلـﮩم dāma z̤illuhu or z̤illuhum, May his or their prosperity continue!
ظلام z̤alām
ظلام z̤alām A s. m. Darkness. ¶ z̤allām (adj. superl.) A great oppressor; very tyrannical.
ظلم z̤ulm
ظلم z̤ulm A s. m. Oppression, injustice, tyranny, injury. ظلم رسيده z̤ulm-rasīda, adj. Oppressed. ظلم پيشه z̤ulm-pesha, or ظلم شعار z̤ulm-shiʼāﻌr, or ظلم کيش z̤ulm-kesh, adj. Tyrannical; tyrant, oppressor. ظلم کرنا z̤ulm karnā, To oppress, tyrannise. ظلم گدازي z̤ulm-gudāz-ī, s. f. Dis- solving of oppresion, the putting an end to in- justice.
ظلمات z̤ulmāt
ظلمات z̤ulmāt A s. f. 1. (Plur. of ظلمت) Darkness. 2. A dark place where the water of im- mortality is said to be.
ظلمت z̤ulmat
ظلمت z̤ulmat A s. f. Darkness.
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