ک kāf called کاف تازي or کاف عربي or کاف کلمن the twenty-second letter of the Arabic and twen- ty-fifth of the Persian alphabet, corresponds to क in Sanskrit. Its sound is that of the English k. To represent its Sanskrit aspirate ख (kh) in the Arabic characters, کهـ is adopted. In the notation of numbers by the Arabic letters, ک stands for twenty. Its permutations are, 1st, into خ as شاماخچه or شاماکچه A womanʼs bo- dice: 2d, into غ as کژگاو or غژگاو The bull of Tar- tary (Bos grunniens): 3d, Arabistically, into ق as منجنيق for منجنيک A warlike engine. In Persian, it is sometimes prefixed to a word, but more commonly it occurs disjoined; in which latter case it has the ه maktūbī or muḵẖ- tafī annexed to it, thus که, and being pro- nounced with kasr (ِ) it may be used in the fol- lowing senses. 1. (کاف تعليل or assigning cause) Because, for. 2. (کاف بيان or کاف صله the relative pronoun) Who, which. 3. (کاف معرفه) conj. That. 4. (کاف عطف) And. 5. (کاف نتيجه expressing purpose or intention) That, to. 6. (کاف مفاجأة) Instantly. 7. (کاف استفـﮩام the interrogative pronoun) Who? what? which? 8. (کاف تفضيل) But even.