Urdu to English Dictionary: س

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س sīn
س sīn usually named سين مـہمله or سين غيرمنقوطه the twelfth letter in the Arabic and fif- teenth in the Persian alphabet, corresponds to स in Sanskrit. Its sound is that of the English s in sun, sin. In denoting numbers by the let- ters of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for 60. In almanacks it represents the Sun, and a sextile aspect of the planets. It is also used as an abbreviation for the salutation السلام. It is changed (in Arabic) (1) into ي as سادي for سادس The sixth: (2) into ت as طست for طسّ A bason: (3) into ص as صلخ for سلخ The last day of the month; and (in Pers.) اصفـہ‍ان for اسپـہ‍ان: (4) into ا as دساها for دسسها He exposed her to deceit: (5) (in Arab. and Pers.) into ز; see ز: (6) (in Pers.) into چ as خروچ for خروس A cock: (7) into ش as فرشته for فرسته Sent: (8) into ه as آماه for آماس A swelling: this last substitution, also, takes place in the aorist of Persian verbs which have س before تن of the infinitive, as خواهم from خواستن (9) (in the same tense) into ن as بندم from بستن: (10) into ي as آرايم from آراستن (11) into ل as گسلم from گسستن. It is substituted (1) in the aorist of Persian verbs for خ as شناسم from شناختن (2) for ش as مسک when adopted into Arabic for مشک Musk. In the aorist of some verbs it suffers elision, as گريم from گريستن To weep. Prefixed to the aorist of Arabic verbs it implies quickness or expedition, as سينصر He will quickly assist. In Sanskrit words, س sa (for स) is a prepositive particle signifying with; as, in سجيو सजीव sa-jīva (with life) Alive. ¶ س su (for सु) prepos. Good, well, easy, very (the reverse
س सु su
س सु su H (in Braj) postpos. From, by, with, of; as जासु jā-su, From or of whom. It is, also, sometimes used for سو so, He, she, it, they, &c.
سئي saʼī
سئي saʼī H s. f. A wire-chain.
سئيس sa-īs
سئيس sa-īs A. (improp. for سائيس sāʼīs, q. v.) s. m. A groom, a horse-keeper.
سا sā
سا sā P. S̱. 1. adj. (Pers. سان or Sans. समान or सदृश) Like, resembling (most commonly by way of adjunct like the English) ish; so کالاسا kālā-sā, Blackish. 2. (for s. शः) An adjunct the meaning of which is at times scarcely perceptible, though often it seems to give intensity to the preceding word; as بـہت سا bahut-sā, Much, many, very much. 3. (or ساي) part. in compos. (from سودن or ساييدن) Rubbing, wearing, polishing, anointing, drawing.
ساؤنگي sāʼūngī
ساؤنگي sāʼūngī H s. f. See سانگي sāngī.
سائي sāʼe
سائي sāʼe P part. (of ساييدن) in compos. Rub- bing, &c.: see سا sā, sign. 3. ¶ sā-ī, in compos. s. f. Rubbing. جبين سائي jabīn-sā-ī, s. f. Rubbing the forehead (on the ground in adoration).
سابدهان sābadhān
سابدهان sābadhān S adj. Attentive, cautious, with attention. See ساودهان sāvadhān.
سابر sābar
سابر sābar S̱. (शंबर or शांबर) s. m. 1. An elk. 2. A leather of elkʼs or any kind of deerʼs hide for bedding. سابرمنتر sābar-mantr (शावरमंत्र from शवर A low Hindū cast, and मंत्र A spell) s. m. A spell composed in colloquial language.
سابر sābar
سابر sābar H s. m. A small anvil.
سابق sābiḳ
سابق sābiḳ A (part. act. of سبق Chald. To outstrip, to pass by) adj. Former, preceding, anteriour, foregoing. s. Past time, former times. adv. (or سابق مين sābiḳ meṅ) Formerly, of yore, heretofore, ago, beforetime.
سابقه sābiḳa
سابقه sābiḳa A (from سبق) 1. adj. Preceding, past, ancient. 2. s. m. Friendship, intimacy.
سابن sābun
سابن sābun A s. m. Soap. See صابون ṣābūn.
سابوت sābūt
سابوت sābūt A. (corrupt. of Arab. ثبوت) adj. Whole, entire.
سابون sābūn
سابون sābūn A s. m. Soap. See صابون ṣābūn.
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