English Meaning of غازي g̠ẖāzī

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غازي g̠ẖāzī : غازي g̠ẖāzī A (part. act. of غزا or غزو To purpose, to intend, to undertake a military expedition. Heb. To be strong or brave) s. m. A conqueror, a hero, one who fights against infidels. (Pers. plur. غازيان). غازي مرد g̠ẖāzī-mard, A hero; (met.) a horse. غازي ميان g̠ẖāzī-miyāṅ, was nephew of Sult̤ān Maḥmūd G̱ẖaznawī; a festival is held in commemoration of him at the beginning of May. A.P. غازيانه g̠ẖāziyāna, adv. Bravely.

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غم g̠ẖam
غم g̠ẖam A (properly g̠ẖamm) s. m. Grief, sor- row, concern. غم کهـانا g̠ẖam-khānā, 1. To grieve, to mourn. 2. To have patience. غم آلوده g̠ẖam- ālūda, adj. Grieved. غم خوار g̠ẖam-ḵẖẉār, Devouring sorrow, i. e. 1. adj. Afflicted, sad. 2. Condoling, condoler, pitying. 3. An intimate friend, a comforter. غمخوارک g̠ẖam-ḵẖẉārak, s. A heron. غمخواري g̠ẖam-ḵẖẉār-ī, s. f. 1.
غافل g̠ẖāfil
غافل g̠ẖāfil A (part. act. of غفل) adj. Negligent, neglectful, inattentive, remiss, indolent, sense- less, imprudent, careless, thoughtless. (Pers. plur. غافلان). A.P. غافلي g̠ẖāfil-ī, s. f. Negligence, carelesness.
غپکا g̠ẖapka
غپکا g̠ẖapka H s. m. (dakh.) The sound or smack of a blow. غپ دني g̠ẖap dane (dakh.) All at once, in a crack.
غيبي g̠ẖaib-ī
غيبي g̠ẖaib-ī A adj. Absent, invisible, of the in- visible world, heavenly, divine.
غله g̠ẖalla
غله g̠ẖalla A (from غلّ) s. m. 1. The produce of the earth. 2. Grain, corn. غله دان g̠ẖalla- dān, s. m. A granary. غله فروش g̠ẖalla-farosh, A grain merchant.
غرش g̠ẖurrish
غرش g̠ẖurrish P or g̠ẖarsh, s. Anger, indigna- tion, rage.
غصب g̠ẖaṣb
غصب g̠ẖaṣb A s. m. Violence, injustice, force, oppression, ravishing, plunder.
غساله g̠ẖusāla
غساله g̠ẖusāla A s. m. 1. Dirty water with which any thing has been washed. 2. Bathing.
غايط g̠ẖāʼṭt̤
غايط g̠ẖāʼṭt̤ A s. m. Excrement.
غروب g̠ẖurūb
غروب g̠ẖurūb A s. m. 1. Setting (of the sun, &c.). 2. The west. غروب هونا g̠ẖurūb honā, To set (the sun or moon, &c.).
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