English Meaning of پائينتي pāʼīntī

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پائينتي pāʼīntī : پائينتي pāʼīntī P. (dakh.) See پائين pāʼīn.

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پيکهنا pekhnā प्रेक्षण
پيکهنا pekhnā प्रेक्षण S̱. v. a. To see.
پوت pot
پوت pot H s. m. 1. Nature, disposition, qua- lity. 2. Glass beads, beads.
پنج ساله panj-sāla
پنج ساله panj-sāla P adj. Of five years, quin- quennial.
پـﮩنئي pahunaʼī प्राघुणता
پـﮩنئي pahunaʼī प्राघुणता S̱. s. f. Hospitality, entertainment. S̱. پهني फणी phaṇ-ī, s. m. 1. A serpent. 2. A wedge.
پرکار प्रकार prakār
پرکار प्रकार prakār S s. m. Manner, method, kind, sort.
پهرنا phirnā
پهرنا phirnā H (perhaps, from Sans. परिक्रम Going round) v. n. To turn, return, walk about, go round, circulate, roll, whirl, to wheel, wan- der, travel, ramble, change, revolt.
پهنکنا phinknā
پهنکنا phinknā S̱. (r. क्षिप Throw) v. n. To be thrown.
پرتم pirtam
پرتم pirtam H s. (dakh.) See جـﮩان jahān, World.
پل पल pal
پل पल pal S s. m. A moment, the 60th part of a ghaṛī or danḍ (2 1/2 pals being equal to one minute).
پتاٴي putāʼī
پتاٴي putāʼī H (from پوتنا) s. f. 1. The act of plastering. 2. Price paid for plastering.
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