English Meaning of برنا barnā

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برنا barnā : برنا barnā H v. n. To burn. See بلنا balnā.

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بلا ballā
بلا ballā H s. m. A pole or boat-hook. ¶ billā, s. See گرده girda.
بؤيا boʼiyā
بؤيا boʼiyā H s. m. A small basket.
بانان bāṅāṅ वाम
بانان bāṅāṅ वाम S̱. adj. Left (hand). See بايان bāyāṅ.
بهچهنا bhachhnā भक्षण
بهچهنا bhachhnā भक्षण S̱. v. a. To eat, to take food. S. بهچهي भक्षी (r. भक्ष Eat) bhachchh̤ī (or bhak- sh̤ī) adj. m. Eater, eating, devouring.
بابل bābul
بابل bābul A (Heb. ) n. prop. Babel or Babylon.
بسوه biswa
بسوه biswa S̱. (from بيس Twenty) s. m. The twen- tieth part (particularly, of a بيگها bīghā). See کٿها kaṭṭhā.
برن مالا barna-mālā वर्णमाला
برن مالا barna-mālā वर्णमाला S̱. s. f. An alphabet.
بال बाल bāl
بال बाल bāl S s. m. 1. Hair. 2. A boy, a child. 3. (for बाला) s. f. A girl not exceeding sixteen. بال بال bāl bāl, Hair by hair, every hair. بال باندهي کوڙي مارنا bāl bāndhī kauṛī mārnā, To shoot at without missing, to act with great care, not to mistake. بال بيکا bāl bīkā, A bent or disordered hair, is used to ex- press "the smallest harm or inconvenience;" so بال بيکانهووي bāl bīkā na howe, Let not a hair be disordered (let not the least harm be done). بال چرتر bāl-charitr, Tricks of children. بال گوپال bāl gopāl, Family.
بهرجانا bhar-jānā
بهرجانا bhar-jānā S̱. (dakh.) v. n. To be proud. P.A. بـﮩرحال ba-har-ḥāl, adv. By all means, at all events, at any rate, some how or other.
بيڙا beṛā वेटप
بيڙا beṛā वेटप S̱. s. m. 1. A raft, a float. 2. The raft which is floated by the Muhammadans in honour of ḵẖẉāja ḵẖiẓr. (Besides the anni- versary beṛa offered to propitiate him, hundreds of smaller ones with lamps may be seen on Thursdays of the month bhādoṅ particularly, which are offered by the Muhammadans to this saint). بيڙاباندهنا beṛa bāndhnā, v. a. To col- lect a crowd. بيڙاپارکرنايالگانا beṛā pār karnā or lagānā, To relieve from distress, to remove difficulties, to help one through a business (lit. to ferry over a raft). بيڙاپارهونا beṛā pār honā, To obtain deliverance from misfortune or distress, to succeed.
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