English Meaning of منجهنا manjhnā

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منجهنا manjhnā : منجهنا manjhnā S̱. v. (dakh.) See منجنا manjnā or مانجنا mānjnā.

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ملاٴي mulāʼī
ملاٴي mulāʼī S̱. (from ملانا mulānā, which from मूल्य) s. f. Appraisement, valuation.
مترادف mutarādif
مترادف mutarādif A (part. act. VI. of ردف Heb. ) adj. 1. Continued, successive, consecu- tive. 2. Synonymous.
مضمضه maẓmaẓa
مضمضه maẓmaẓa A s. m. Washing or rinsing out the mouth.
مـﮩر mahr
مـﮩر mahr A (Heb. and Aram. ) s. m. 1. A marriage portion or gift settled upon the wife before marriage, alimony, jointure. 2. Con- tracting by writing for such settlement.
محفوظ maḥfūz̤
محفوظ maḥfūz̤ A (part. pass. of حفظ) adj. 1. Guarded, protected, preserved, secure. 2. Com- mitted to memory.
ميد med
ميد med S̱. s. m. 1. (मेध) Sacrifice. 2. (मेदः) Marrow. 3. Excessive corpulency.
منکهہ manukh
منکهہ manukh S̱. (मानुष or मनुष्य) s. m. A man, man, mankind. H. S. منکيان کا هار mankiyāṅ kā hār (dakh.) A necklace of pearls, large gold beads, corals, garnets, &c. (Qanoon-e-islam). S̱. H. منگا بهيجنا mangā bhejnā, To send for.
مرٴي maraʼī
مرٴي maraʼī A or marʼī (part. pass. of رأي Heb. ) adj. Visible. ¶ marī (from مرأ) s. The gullet.
مندري mundrī मुद्रा
مندري mundrī मुद्रा S̱. s. f. A ring, a finger- ring.
مطيع mut̤īﻌ
مطيع mut̤īﻌ A (part. act. IV. of طوع) adj. Sub- ject, obedient, submissive, obsequious.
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