Free Download Microsoft Sans Serif

Microsoft Sans Serif is most popular/used font in the State of Pakistan. Project name of this font is MicrosoftSansSerif. Personaly feel free to use Microsoft Sans Serif but when you use this font commercially please contsct- � 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

Microsoft Sans Serif Font Information

✓ � 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
✓ Microsoft Sans Serif
✓ Regular
✓ Microsoft Sans Serif Regular
✓ Microsoft Sans Serif
✓ Version 5.02
✓ MicrosoftSansSerif
✓ Microsoft Sans Serif is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
✓ You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.
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Microsoft Sans Serif Urdu Font

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Short Details of MicrosoftSansSerif.ttf

Font Family : Microsoft Sans Serif
Font Subfamily : Regular
Font Identifier : Microsoft Sans Serif Regular
Full Name : Microsoft Sans Serif
Version : Version 5.02
Postscript Name : MicrosoftSansSerif
Download : 2171 Times
Copyright : � 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
How to install Microsoft Sans Serif in your computer?

For Windows 7 / Vista users:
- Right-click the Microsoft Sans Serif font file(s) and choose "Install".

For users of the previous Windows versions:
- Copy Microsoft Sans Serif font & pest into a default Windows font folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\FONTS or C:\WINNT\FONTS)

For Mac users:
Mac OS X 10.3 or above (including the FontBook)
- Double-click Microsoft Sans Serif font file and hit "Install font" button at
the bottom of the preview.

Mac OS X
- Either copy the Microsoft Sans Serif font file(s) to /Library/Fonts (for all users), or to /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only).

Mac OS 9 or earlier
- You have to convert the Microsoft Sans Serif font file(s) you have downloaded. Drag the font suitcases into the System folder. The system will propose you to add them to the Fonts folder.

For Linux users:
- Copy the Microsoft Sans Serif font file(s) to /USR/SHARE/FONTS
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