English Meaning of مستحق mustaḥiḳḳ

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مستحق mustaḥiḳḳ : مستحق mustaḥiḳḳ A (part. act. X. of حقّ Heb. ) adj. Worthy, having a right to, rightful.

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مختاري muḵẖtār-ī
مختاري muḵẖtār-ī A. s. f. Independence, power, authority, absoluteness, free will.
مع maﻌ
مع maﻌ A prep. With, together, along with.
منڐوانا munḍwānā
منڐوانا munḍwānā S̱. (causal of مونڐنا) v. a. To cause to be shaved.
موصول mauṣūl
موصول mauṣūl A part. pass. (of وصل) Joined, conjoined, connected; (in grammar) The re- lative pronoun, or the antecedent with respect to the relative.
متهريا mathuriyā माथुरीय
متهريا mathuriyā माथुरीय S̱. s. m. Name of a cast of Brāhmaṇs of Mathurā.
منڐ मुंड munḍ
منڐ मुंड munḍ S s. m. 1. The head. منڐ مال munḍ-māl, A necklace of human heads. 2. A head man. ¶ adj. (dakh.) Blunt, dull, obtuse. (Harris). منڐ پنا munḍ-panā, s. m. Dulness,
منطبع munt̤abiﻌ
منطبع munt̤abiﻌ A (part. act. VII. of طبع Heb. and Aram. ) adj. Tame, trained, obedient.
مالکيت mālikīyat
مالکيت mālikīyat A s. f. Mastership, lordship, possession.
محاصر muḥāṣir
محاصر muḥāṣir A part. act. (III. of حصر) Be- sieging; besieger.
موجز mūjaz
موجز mūjaz A (part. pass. IV. of وجز) s. m. A summary, compendium, epitome.
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