English Meaning of ذهن ẕihn

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ذهن ẕihn : ذهن ẕihn A s. m. Acuteness (of mind), acumen, sagacity, wit, understanding, mind, memory, genius, ingenuity, ability. ذهن دقيق ẕihn-i-daḳīḳ, A subtile genius. ذهن نشين ẕihn-ni- shīn, Fixed or settled in the mind, impressed

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ذهن ẕihn
ذهن ẕihn A s. m. Acuteness (of mind), acumen, sagacity, wit, understanding, mind, memory, genius, ingenuity, ability. ذهن دقيق ẕihn-i-daḳīḳ, A subtile genius. ذهن نشين ẕihn-ni- shīn, Fixed or settled in the mind, impressed
ذلق ẕalḳ
ذلق ẕalḳ A (Heb. ) s. m. A prompt and ready or eloquent tongue. حرف الذلق ḥarfu-ẕ-ẕalḳ, Lingual letter; as ل رن.
ذلل ẕalal
ذلل ẕalal A. s. Meanness, baseness.
ذلت ẕillat
ذلت ẕillat A (from ذلّ) s. f. Baseness, vileness, meanness, contemptibleness, abjectness, disho- nour, abasement, affront.
ذره ẕarra
ذره ẕarra A (from ذرّ) s. m. An atom, a particle, a little, a jot, a tittle, an ace. (Plur. ذرات). ذره وار ẕarra-wār, Like an atom, minute, a little.
ذکر ẕikr
ذکر ẕikr A (Heb. Chal. ) s. m. 1. Remem- brance, memory, commemoration, mention. 2. Praise, fame, recital, relation. 3. Reading of the ḳurʼān and recital of the praise and names of God. ذکرکرنا ẕikr karnā, v. a. To recite, mention, relate, express, &c.
ذليل ẕalīl
ذليل ẕalīl A (from ذلّ) adj. Abject, submissive, mean, contemptible, wretched, base. ذليل کرنا ẕalīl karnā, To abase, to debase.
ذکا ẕakā
ذکا ẕakā A (from ذکي To blaze, to be acute in mind. Heb. To be pure, clean, splendid) s. m. Acumen, acuteness of genius, penetration, sagacity. ¶ ẕukā, s. m. The sun.
ذقن ẕaḳan
ذقن ẕaḳan A (Heb. The beard) s. m. The chin, the beard. چاه ذقن chāh-i-ẕaḳan, s. m. A dimple in the chin.
ذهول ẕuhūl
ذهول ẕuhūl A s. m. Oblivion, forgetting.
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