English Meaning of ذو ẕū

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ذو ẕū : ذو ẕū A A lord, a master, (in compos. implying) possessed of, or endowed with; as, ذوالجلال ẕu-l-jalāl, Possessed of glory, glorious. ذوالفقار ẕu-l-faḳār, A sword possessed by Muḥammad, and afterwards by Aﻌlī. ذوالمنن ẕu-l-minan, Possessor of obligations (epithet of the Deity). ذوذنب ẕū-ẕanab, adj. Tailed, having a tail (a star).

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ذلل ẕalal
ذلل ẕalal A. s. Meanness, baseness.
ذقن ẕaḳan
ذقن ẕaḳan A (Heb. The beard) s. m. The chin, the beard. چاه ذقن chāh-i-ẕaḳan, s. m. A dimple in the chin.
ذکوره ẕukūra
ذکوره ẕukūra A s. m. The male sex.
ذابح ẕābiḥ
ذابح ẕābiḥ A part. act. (of ذبح) A sacrificer, a butcher. سعد الذابح saﻌdu-ẕ-ẕābiḥ, Two bright stars in the left horn of Capricorn.
ذواق ẕauwāḳ
ذواق ẕauwāḳ A (adj. sup. of ذوق) s. m. A taster.
ذيل ẕail
ذيل ẕail A s. m. The skirt of a garment, the train of a robe; the last, hinder, or supplemen- tary part of any thing; train, retinue, the se- quel, that which follows or is annexed, a list of particulars mentioned in a letter, an appendix. ر
ذي ẕī
ذي ẕī A (obj. case of ذو) A lord, a master, (in compos.) possessed of, endowed with; as, ذي المقام ẕi-l-maḳām, Endowed with place or dig- nity. ذي حيات ẕī-ḥayāt, Endowed with life; an animal. ذي خرد ẕī-ḵẖirad, adj. Endowed with wisdom. ذي روح ẕi-rūḥ, An animal, a rational being. ذي شعور ẕī-shuʼūﻌr, adj. Intel- ligent. ذي هوش ẕī-hosh, adj. Sensible.
ذکا ẕakā
ذکا ẕakā A (from ذکي To blaze, to be acute in mind. Heb. To be pure, clean, splendid) s. m. Acumen, acuteness of genius, penetration, sagacity. ¶ ẕukā, s. m. The sun.
ذراع ẕirāﻌ
ذراع ẕirāﻌ A s. m. 1. A yard. 2. A cubit. 3. Two bright stars in the head of Gemini.
ذهن ẕihn
ذهن ẕihn A s. m. Acuteness (of mind), acumen, sagacity, wit, understanding, mind, memory, genius, ingenuity, ability. ذهن دقيق ẕihn-i-daḳīḳ, A subtile genius. ذهن نشين ẕihn-ni- shīn, Fixed or settled in the mind, impressed
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