Urdu to English Dictionary: mind)

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آتش مزاج ātash-mizāj
آتش مزاج ātash-mizāj P adj. Fiery tempered.
آمر āmir
آمر āmir A part. act. (from امر) One who orders, a commander, a ruler. S. امر अमर (अ and मर What dies, from r. मृ Die) a-mar, 1. adj. Immortal, exempt from death, everlasting. 2. A God.
آمش आमिष āmish̤
آمش आमिष āmish̤ S s. m. Flesh.
اجامل ajāmil
اجامل ajāmil S n. prop. Name of a great sin- ner and penitent.
ازمنه azmina
ازمنه azmina A s. plur. of زمان or زمانه q. v.
اسلامیه islāmiya
اسلامیه islāmiya A adj. Faithful, orthodox. H. S̱. اسل پسل جانا usal pusal jānā, v. n. To be agitated, to be tossed, to get into confusion.
المنت لله alminnatu lillāhi
المنت لله alminnatu lillāhi A Praise to God! good God! (an ejaculation expressive of surprise, fear, denial, &c.).
امامیه imāmiya
امامیه imāmiya A (Followers) of the Imām; name of a Muhammadan sect, who make Alī the rightful imām immediately after Muhammad.
امت अमित a-mit
امت अमित a-mit S adj. Unmeasured.
امٿ a-miṭ
امٿ a-miṭ S̱. (अ and मृष्ट Wiped, effaced, from r. मृज Cleanse) adj. Indelible, not defaced.
انامل anāmil
انامل anāmil A s. plur. (of انمله) Fingers, tips of the fingers.
انمل an-mil
انمل an-mil S̱. adj. See انميل an-mel.
ايکانت एकांत एक One, and अन्त Bound, limit ekānt
ايکانت एकांत एक One, and अन्त Bound, limit ekānt S. or ايکانت مين ekānt meṅ, adv. Aside, apart, alone, on one side or part.
بسم الله bismi-l-lāh
بسم الله bismi-l-lāh A In the name of God, or بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم bismi-l-lāhi-r-rahmāni-r-raḥīm, In the name of God the most merciful. (An invocation generally used by Muhammadans at the beginning of all actions and works). بسم الله کرنا bismi-l-lāh karnā, To begin, to com- mence. بسم الله هوا bismi-l-lāh hūʼā, Said of a child who has just commenced learning to read. A. P. بسمه پوس basma-posh, see under وسمه wasma.
بسمل bismil
بسمل bismil A. adj. Sacrificed; an animal sacri- ficed. بسمل کرنا bismil karnā, To sacrifice. بسمل گاه bismil-gāh, s. f. Place of sacrifice.
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