English Meaning of برتهم प्रथम pratham

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برتهم प्रथम pratham : برتهم प्रथम pratham S adj. First, before.

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پڙهانا paṛhānā
پڙهانا paṛhānā S̱. (caus. of پڙهنا) v. a. To cause or teach to read, to instruct, to teach, to teach to speak or sing (as, birds).
پرهاس परिहास परि and r. हस Laugh parihās
پرهاس परिहास परि and r. हस Laugh parihās S. s. m. Jest, joke, jeer, jesting.
پوٿ poṭ
پوٿ poṭ H s. f. 1. A bundle, a bale, a package. 2. A spout.
پاولا pāʼolā
پاولا pāʼolā S̱. (from پاو) s. m. A quarter of any coin (as, of a rupee, &c.).
پکلا paklā
پکلا paklā H s. m. A sore between the toes pro- duced by moisture.
پنچمين panchamīṅ
پنچمين panchamīṅ S̱. s. f. The fifth day of the lunar fortnight.
پرتچهـ partachh
پرتچهـ partachh S̱. or partichh (प्रत्यक्ष from प्रति and अक्षि The eye) 1. adj. Perceptible, ob-
پوچ pūch
پوچ pūch P adj. Absurd, of no moment or consequence, useless, nonsense, nonsensical, ob- scene, inordinate, injudicious. پوچ گو pūch-go, Talking nonsense. پوچ گوٴي pūch-go-ī or پوچ بافي
پوا poʼā पोत
پوا poʼā पोत S̱. s. m. 1. A very young ser- pent. 2. A nursling of any animal. 3. A plant.
پهوپها phūphā
پهوپها phūphā H s. m. Fatherʼs sisterʼs husband.
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