English Meaning of بائيني bāʼinī

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بائيني bāʼinī : بائيني bāʼinī H s. f. A basket in which snakes are carried about for show.

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بساهن bisāhan
بساهن bisāhan S̱. (वास Smell) s. f. Fetidness, stink.
بهواني भवानी bhawānī
بهواني भवानी bhawānī S s. f. Name of a Hindū goddess, wife of Siva or Mahādeva.
بهو bhau
بهو bhau S̱. (for भय) s.m. Fear. ¶ bhuv (for भुवस्) s. m. Heaven, ether, sky or atmosphere.
باف bāf
باف bāf P (from بافتن) part. act. and pass. used in compos. Weaver, woven. کناري باف ki- nārī-bāf, A weaver of lace. زري باف zarī-bāf, 1. A gold lace weaver. 2. Gold tissue, cloth interwoven with gold.
بزرگ منشي buzurg-manish-ī
بزرگ منشي buzurg-manish-ī P s. f. Greatness of mind.
بيتال betāl
بيتال betāl S or baitāl (वेताल) s. m. 1. A dead body occupied and animated by an evil spirit. 2. Name of a demon.
بحري baḥr-ī
بحري baḥr-ī A 1. adj. Maritime, belonging to the sea, naval. 2. h. s. f. For بهري bahrī, q. v. A falcon, &c. P.A. بحسب ba-ḥasb, In the proportion, according to. P.A. بحکم ba-ḥukm, By command, by authority, &c.
بهٿهيانا bhaṭhiyānā
بهٿهيانا bhaṭhiyānā H v. n. To go down the river; to ebb (the tide).
بک bak वाक्
بک bak वाक् S̱. s. f. Prattle, chat, foolish talk, garrulity. بک جهک bak jhak, s. f. Prat- tle, &c. same as بک bak. بک جهک کرنا bak jhak karnā, To prattle, to chatter, to gabble. بک لگني bak lagnī, Talkativeness, garrulity.
بيوهريا byohar-iyā
بيوهريا byohar-iyā S̱. (व्यवहारिक) s. m. A creditor, a lender.
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