English Meaning of موسم mausim

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the Urdu language with its free online services. English meaning of موسم mausim is as below...

موسم mausim : موسم mausim A (noun of place or time from وسم Heb. ) s. m. Season, time. موسم بـﮩاري mausim-i-bahār-ī, The season of spring. A. P. موسمي mausim-ī, adj. Of season, seasonable.

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معرکه maﻌraka
معرکه maﻌraka A (Heb. from عرک Heb. and Chald. ) s. m. A field of battle. معرکه گير maﻌraka-gīr, A ropedancer.
معني maﻌnī
معني maﻌnī A s. f. (from عني Heb. ) Meaning, sense, sig- nification, acceptation, reality.
مـﮩريدار muhredār
مـﮩريدار muhredār P (for مـﮩره دار) adj. Smooth (applied to paper).
مجنون majnūn
مجنون majnūn A (part. pass. of جنّ Heb. and Chald. ) 1. adj. Insane, in love. 2. n. prop. The name of a celebrated lover, whose amours with Lailạ̄ are the subject of a poem by Ni- z̤āmī.
مداوتني madāwatnī
مداوتني madāwatnī H s. f. (dakh.) A female go- between employed in looking out for a wife.
مچلکا muchalkā
مچلکا muchalkā T s. m. A bond, a note of hand, an agreement, a written obligation.
مـﮩتدي muhtadī
مـﮩتدي muhtadī A (part. act. VIII. of هدي Heb. ) adj. Directed, guided, steered (to the right or left).
متعقد mutaʼaﻌḳḳid
متعقد mutaʼaﻌḳḳid A (part. act. V. of عقد) adj. Bound, tied or bound together, consolidated.
محدود maḥdūd
محدود maḥdūd A (part. pass. of حدّ) adj. Li- mited, bounded, finite, defined. محدود کرنا maḥdūd karnā, To limit, bound, define.
مدرک mudrik
مدرک mudrik A part. act. (IV. of درک Heb. and Aram. ) Comprehending, understanding; comprehender.
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