English Meaning of شادابي shādāb-ī

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شادابي shādāb-ī : شادابي shādāb-ī P s. f. Freshness, verdure, moisture, succulence.

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شبنم shab-nam
شبنم shab-nam P (شب Night, and نم Moisture, dew) 1. s. f. Dew. 2. s. m. A kind of fine linen.
شاباشي shābāsh-ī
شاباشي shābāsh-ī P (contract. of شادباشي) s. f. Praise, applause.
شاکل shākal शाकल्य
شاکل shākal शाकल्य S̱. s. f. A mixture of se- samum seed, barley, ghī, coarse sugar, fruits, &c. used in oblations to the gods.
شطاح shat̤t̤āḥ
شطاح shat̤t̤āḥ A adj. (superl. of شطح) Meretri- cious, lascivious, obscene. See شتاه.
شمله shamla
شمله shamla A (Heb. from شمل Heb. To surround) s. m. 1. The worked or embroi- dered end of a turband or kamar-band, some- times tucked into the folds, and sometimes left flying loose. 2. A narrow kind of shawl for tying round the waist or the head.
شخص shaḵẖṣ
شخص shaḵẖṣ A (from شخص To raise oneʼs self, to be borne on high) s. m. A person, body, individual.
شاخه shāḵẖa
شاخه shāḵẖa P s. m. The pillory, a yoke.
شب shab
شب shab P s. f. Night. (Pers. plur. شبہا or شبان). شب باز shab-bāz, s. A person who ex- hibits various figures for amusement at night, a puppet-show man: one who is up or vigilant at night: a bat. شب باش shab-bāsh, One who stays all night, a lodger. شب باشي shab- bāsh-ī, s. f. Staying all night, nightly lodging. شب بخير shab ba-ḵẖair, Good night, salutation at night. شب برات shab-i-barāt, s. f. The 14th day of the month Shaﻌbān, on which the Musalmāns make offerings and oblations, in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased rela- tions: see برات barāt. شب بيدار shab-bedār, Waking, or watching all night, sleepless. شب پره shab-para, s. m. A bird of night (as, a bat, owl, &c.). شب تار يا تاريک shab-i-tār, or -tārīk, A dark night. شب خوابي shab-ḵẖẉāb-ī, s. f. Night-clothes. شب خون shab-ḵẖūn, s. m. A night-attack. شب خوني shab-ḵẖūn-ī,
شروع shurūﻌ
شروع shurūﻌ A (from شرع) s. m. f. Beginning, commencement. (Plur. شروعات Beginnings). شروع کرنا shurūﻌ ḳarnā, To commence, to begin. شروع هونا shurūﻌ honā, To be begun or com- menced.
شانا shānā
شانا shānā S̱. adj. (dakh.) See سيانا siyānā.
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