English Meaning of رکشا रक्षा raksh̤ā

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رکشا रक्षा raksh̤ā : رکشا रक्षा raksh̤ā S s. f. Protection, preserva- tion, defence, safety.

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رومال rū-māl
رومال rū-māl P (رو Face, and part. act. of ماليدن To rub) s. m. A handkerchief, a towel.
ري re
ري re S m. (रे) A vocative particle used by way of disrespect or admiration generally; holla! bravo! O!
ريشم resham
ريشم resham P s. m. Silk. See ابريشم.
ربڙ rabaṛ
ربڙ rabaṛ H s. f. Fatigue, fruitless labour, trudging.
ريتل retal
ريتل retal S̱. (from ريت Sand) adj. Sandy. s. f. Sand, sandy ground.
رهس rahas
رهس rahas S̱. (or rahasya रहस्य) 1. s. m. Wag- gery, merriment. 2. adj. Secret, private (little used).
ربيعي rabī-īﻌ
ربيعي rabī-īﻌ A adj. Produced in the spring, be- longing to the spring, vernal.
روافض rawāfiẓ
روافض rawāfiẓ A s. plur. (of رافض) Hereticks, particularly Shīʼaﻌs.
روٿهنا rūṭhnā
روٿهنا rūṭhnā S̱. (from रुष्ट) v. n. To have a mis- understanding with a friend, to be cool, to quar- rel, to be angry or displeased.
رايا rāʼiyā
رايا rāʼiyā H s. m. Chaff of wheat, bran.
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