English Meaning of رسمسانا rasmasānā

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رسمسانا rasmasānā : رسمسانا rasmasānā S̱. (from रस Juice, and म्रक्षण Anointing or smearing over) v. n. To wet with perfumed essences or perspiration.

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روزه roza
روزه roza P s. m. Fast, lent. روزه دار roza-dār, s. m. One who fasts or keeps lent. روزه رکهنا roza rakhnā, To keep a fast, to fast. روزه کهولنا roza kholnā, v. a. To break a fast.
راچهسني rāchh̤asanī
راچهسني rāchh̤asanī S̱. s. f. A female راچهس rāchh̤as, q. v.
رقيمه raḳīma
رقيمه raḳīma A (from رقم) s. m. An epistle, note, letter.
راتب rātib
راتب rātib A s. m. Daily allowance of food (to animals, particularly dogs and elephants), al- lowance, portion, provision.
راب rāb
راب rāb H s. f. Sirup. (Pers. رب rub).
رستم rustam
رستم rustam P n. prop. One of the twelve cham- pions of Persia. His combat with Isfandyār is famous in the east; it lasted two days: and, as the brazen body of his enemy was proof against his arrows, he at last killed him with his mace. He was son of Zāl, who was son of Sām, son of Narīmān. He was general to Kaikāʼūs, and considered by the Persians des- cended from Māmūn, son of Benjamin, son of Jacob. He overcame Afrāsiyāb, king of Tur- kistān, who was joined by the Indians and Tartars: nevertheless, he fell into disgrace with his master, principally on account of his rejecting the religion of Zoroaster; and, it was upon this occasion that he killed Kaikāʼūsʼs son Isfandyār above mentioned. He was killed by the wound of an arrow in an engagement with Bahman (or Artaxerxes Longimanus) son of Isfandyār. Hence a hero is called Rustam.
ربيع الاول rabīʼuﻌ-ḷ-auwal
ربيع الاول rabīʼuﻌ-ḷ-auwal A The third month, and ربيع الاخر rabīʼuﻌ-lʼāḵẖir or ربيع الثاني rabīʼuﻌ-s̤- s̤ānī, The fourth month of the Muhammadan year. The 9th and 12th days of the former are festivals.
رضوان riẓwān
رضوان riẓwān A (from رضا) s. m. 1. Good plea- sure. 2. The name of the doorkeeper of pa- radise.
رهسنا rahasnā
رهسنا rahasnā S̱. (from रहस्य) v. n. To be pleased, to rejoice.
رجهويا rijhwaiyā
رجهويا rijhwaiyā S̱. (from رجهانا) adj. Having the quality of being pleased.
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