English Meaning of رچانا rachānā

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رچانا rachānā : رچانا rachānā S̱. (caus. of رچنا) v. a. 1. To set to work, to set a going. 2. To make, to do. 3. To make merry. 4. To stain the hands, feet, &c. with ḥinnā, &c. 5. To celebrate.

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رسرا rasrā
رسرا rasrā H s. m. Rope.
روکهي rūkh-ī
روکهي rūkh-ī S̱. (from روکهـ) s. f. A squirrel.
رقاب ṛiḳāb
رقاب ṛiḳāb A s. (plur. of رقبة) Necks, slaves, servants.
راجيسور राजेश्वर rājeswar
راجيسور राजेश्वर rājeswar S (राजा King, and ईश्वर Chief) s. m. A sovereign, prince, a lord, a governour.
رکهيا rakhaiyā
رکهيا rakhaiyā S̱. (from رکهنا) s. m. Keeper, pro- tector.
رباط ribāt̤
رباط ribāt̤ A s. An inn, a caravansary.
رقعات ruḳaʼāﻌt
رقعات ruḳaʼāﻌt A s. plur. (of رقعه) 1. Notes. 2. A collection of epistles.
راهب rāhib
راهب rāhib A s. m. A monk. (Pers. pl. راهبان).
رصاص raṣāṣ
رصاص raṣāṣ A (from رصّ raṣṣa, He joined or united firmly. Heb. To beat, to impinge; which may produce either consolidation or fracture) s. m. 1. Tin. 2. Lead. ¶ raṣṣāṣ, A tinman.
راٿهوڙ rāṭhoṛ
راٿهوڙ rāṭhoṛ H adj. (dakh.) Strong, firm: see مضبوط maẓbūt̤.
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