English Meaning of راتبه rātiba

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راتبه rātiba : راتبه rātiba A s. m. Salary, stipend, pay.

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رجالا rijālā
رجالا rijālā A. (for رزاله q. v.) adj. Mean, vulgar, rabble.
رانده rānda
رانده rānda P part. pass. (of راندن) Driven, driven out, rejected, expelled.
روبراه rū-ba-rāh
روبراه rū-ba-rāh P adj. 1. Setting out; fit for business, adjusted, prepared. 2. Reformed, returned from an erroneous course.
رغبت rag̠ẖbat
رغبت rag̠ẖbat A s. f. 1. Strong desire, avidi- ty. 2. Wish, curiosity. 3. Esteem, affection, pleasure. رغبت کرنا rag̠ẖbat karnā, To desire, to covet.
رزاق razzāḳ
رزاق razzāḳ A adj. (superl. of رزق) An epithet of the deity, provider of daily bread, supporter of all, providence.
رنواس ranwās
رنواس ranwās S̱. (from راني for राज्ञी A queen, or from रंडा A woman, and वास Abode) s. m. The seraglio of a rājā.
رقاب ṛiḳāb
رقاب ṛiḳāb A s. (plur. of رقبة) Necks, slaves, servants.
راهب rāhib
راهب rāhib A s. m. A monk. (Pers. pl. راهبان).
راجس rājas रजस्
راجس rājas रजस् S̱. s. m. Passion or love of sensual enjoyment or pleasure, &c. See رج raj, sign. 3.
ريز rez
ريز rez P part. act. (of ريختن) in compos. Pouring, scattering, dropping, &c. as, اشک ريز ashk-rez, Shedding tears. درريز durr-rez, Scat- tering pearls. ريزکرنا rez-karnā, To begin to speak or talk (as, young birds). ¶ s. A draught or drop, a cup, a favour, mercy, desire, wish, a crumb, scrap, bit.
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