English Meaning of ذاکر ẕākir

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ذاکر ẕākir : ذاکر ẕākir A part. act. (of ذکر) Remembering, grateful, a praiser of God.

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ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra
ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra A s. m. Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores, munition.
ذم ẕamm
ذم ẕamm A s. f. Blame, reproach, accusation, detraction.
ذراع ẕirāﻌ
ذراع ẕirāﻌ A s. m. 1. A yard. 2. A cubit. 3. Two bright stars in the head of Gemini.
ذهن ẕihn
ذهن ẕihn A s. m. Acuteness (of mind), acumen, sagacity, wit, understanding, mind, memory, genius, ingenuity, ability. ذهن دقيق ẕihn-i-daḳīḳ, A subtile genius. ذهن نشين ẕihn-ni- shīn, Fixed or settled in the mind, impressed
ذوانب ẕawānib
ذوانب ẕawānib A s. plur. (of ذنب) Tails.
ذکاوت ẕakāwat
ذکاوت ẕakāwat A s. f. Brightness of genius, acuteness, acumen, ingenuity.
ذلت ẕillat
ذلت ẕillat A (from ذلّ) s. f. Baseness, vileness, meanness, contemptibleness, abjectness, disho- nour, abasement, affront.
ذليل ẕalīl
ذليل ẕalīl A (from ذلّ) adj. Abject, submissive, mean, contemptible, wretched, base. ذليل کرنا ẕalīl karnā, To abase, to debase.
ذلالت ẕalālat
ذلالت ẕalālat A (from ذلّ) 1. Abjectness, contemptibleness. 2. Obsequiousness.
ذبيح ẕabīḥ
ذبيح ẕabīḥ A (from ذبح) 1. part. Sacrificed. 2. s. m. A sacrifice. ذبيح الله ẕabīḥu-l-lāh, A name of Ismāʼīﻌl, the son of Ibrāhīm.
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