English Meaning of داننده dānanda

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داننده dānanda : داننده dānanda P (from دانستن) part. Knowing, intelligent, skilled.

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دادا dādā
دادا dādā H s. m. 1. Paternal grandfather. 2. Elder brother.
دهر dahr
دهر dahr A s. m. 1. Time, an age, custom, habit, mode, manner, care, solicitude. 2. The world. 3. Atheism. 4. Fortune, chance, adversity, danger.
دهوپ dhop
دهوپ dhop H s. f. A kind of sword.
دزدي duzd-ī
دزدي duzd-ī P s. f. Theft, robbery.
دهکا dhakkā
دهکا dhakkā H s. m. A shove, jolt, push, jog. دهکادينا dhakkā denā, To shove, push, jolt.
در dar
در dar P 1. s. m. A door. دربدر dar-ba-dar, From door to door. دربدري dar-ba-dar-ī, s. f. The going from door to door; begging, va- grancy. دروديوار ديکهني dar-o-dīwār dekhnī, Expresses solicitude and anxious expectation. 2. prep. In, at, on, into. درآنا dar ānā, v. n. 1. To enter, to come in, to engage (in), to ar- rive, to penetrate. 2. (for Pers. بدرآمدن) To come out. درپرده dar-parda, adj. Concealed, veiled, hidden, secretly. درپي جان هونا dar paiʼe jān honā, To be desirous of the death of another, to persecute to the uttermost. درپي هونا يارهنا dar pai-honā or -rahnā, To follow, to prosecute, to pursue, to be in pursuit or in search, to be at hand. درحال dar ḥāl, On the spot, immediately. درصورت dar ṣūrat, adv. In case, provided, should, suppose that, since. 3. part. act. (from دريدن) in compos. Rending, tearing.
ديد dīd
ديد dīd P (from ديدن) s. m. f. Sight, seeing, show, spectacle. ديد باز dīd-bāz, An ogler. ديد بازي dīd-bāz-ī, s. f. 1. Looking about one, taking air. 2. Reconnoitring. 3. Ogling. ديد کرنا dīd karnā, To inspect, behold, &c. ديد واديد dīd-wā-dīd, s. m. Interview. ¶ for ديده dīda, part. Seen, having seen.
دهاين دهاين dhāʼeṅ dhāʼeṅ
دهاين دهاين dhāʼeṅ dhāʼeṅ H s. f. 1. The report of cannon heard at a distance. 2. A sound made by burning any thing. P.T. دهباشي dah-bāsh-ī (Pers. ده Ten, and Turk. باش Head) s. m. A commander of ten men, a person having a place of trust, a valet.
دهوکها dhokhā
دهوکها dhokhā H s. m. 1. Deceit, deception, de- lusion, blunder. دهوکها دينا dhokhā denā, To deceive. دهوکها کهانا dhokhā khānā, To be de- ceived. 2. Disappointment. 3. Doubt, hesi- tation. 4. A scarecrow. 5. Any thing imagi- nary, not real, a vapour resembling water at a distance. (French, mirage).
دلدلا daldalā
دلدلا daldalā H adj. Quaggy, boggy.
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