English Meaning of پابسه pā-busa

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پابسه pā-busa : پابسه pā-busa P. s. m. See پابوش pā-bos.

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پادشاه زاده pādshāh-zāda
پادشاه زاده pādshāh-zāda P s. m. A prince.
پٿکا paṭkā पट्टि
پٿکا paṭkā पट्टि S̱. s. m. A cloth worn round the waist, a girdle. زري پٿکا zarī paṭkā, The golden girdle (an ensign conferred by the Pesh- wā on generals who are invested with authority immediately by him). پٿکاباندهنا paṭkā bāndh- nā, To determine on, or prepare for any act. پٿکاپکڙنا paṭkā pakaṛnā, To hinder, to obstruct. H.S̱. پٿکاجانا paṭkā jānā (from پٿکنا) v. n. To fall from oneʼs rank or estimation.
پهلاسرا phulāsarā
پهلاسرا phulāsarā H s. m. Flattery.
پيٿوکها peṭaukhā
پيٿوکها peṭaukhā S̱. s. m. A looseness, purging, flux.
پهپهي phuphī
پهپهي phuphī H s. f. A paternal aunt.
پلشت palasht
پلشت palasht P (Hind. pilisht) adj. Polluted, impure, unclean; (met.) s. f. An adulteress, a strumpet.
پيشور peshaur
پيشور peshaur P. s. m. Name of a city, properly پيشاور pesh-āwar, built by Akbar. The word im- ports "an advanced post," as it is the next town to the Afg̠ẖāns.
پليد palīd
پليد palīd P vulg. pilīd, adj. Unclean, polluted, impure, nasty.
پٿا paṭṭā
پٿا paṭṭā H s. m. 1. A lock of hair. 2. A dog- collar. 3. Name of harness.
پرويا purwaiyā पूर्ववायु
پرويا purwaiyā पूर्ववायु S̱. s. f. Easterly wind.
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