English Meaning of پا pā

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پا pā : پا pā P 1. (Sans. पाद) s. m. The leg, foot: see پاٴي pāʼe. پابزنجير pā-ba-zanjīr, adj. Fettered, in chains. پاشکسته pā-shikasta, Infirm, re- duced. 2. In compos. part. act. of پاٴيدن To continue; as, کم پا kam-pā, Of short duration; ديرپا der-pā, Permanent.

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پامال pā-māl
پامال pā-māl P adj. Trodden on, ruined, de- stroyed.
پهو پهو phūphū
پهو پهو phūphū H s. m. f. Fatherʼs sisterʼs hus- band, or fatherʼs sister.
پتهرپهوڙ patthar-phoṛ
پتهرپهوڙ patthar-phoṛ S̱. s. m. A woodpecker. (Pi- cus).
پلپلاهٿ pilpilā-haṭ
پلپلاهٿ pilpilā-haṭ H (from پلپلانا) s. f. Softness.
پيلهڙ pelhaṛ
پيلهڙ pelhaṛ H s. m. See پيلڙ pelaṛ.
پـﮩنا pahnā
پـﮩنا pahnā P adj. Broad, wide,
پراچت parāchit प्रायश्चित्त
پراچت parāchit प्रायश्चित्त S̱. s. m. A fine or penance imposed on religious occasions as the price of absolution, atonement, expiation.
پگهلانا pighlānā
پگهلانا pighlānā S̱. (प्रगालन or trans. of پگهلنا q. v.) v. a. 1. To melt, to fuse. 2. To soften (an angry or a hard person), assuage, mollify.
پهلوا phalūʼā
پهلوا phalūʼā H s. m. A knotted fringe.
پيچش pechish
پيچش pechish P (from پيچيدن) s. f. 1. Inflection, twisting, contortion, writhing. 2. Trouble, perplexity. 3. Pain in the bowels, tenesmus, gripes. 4. Circumvention, contention.
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