English Meaning of بائيس bāʼīs

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بائيس bāʼīs : بائيس bāʼīs H adj. Twenty-two.

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بانجهـ bānjh बंध्या
بانجهـ bānjh बंध्या S̱. adj. Barren.
باسي bāsī
باسي bāsī S̱. (r. वास Scent) adj. 1. Stale. 2. Perfumed. باسي کرنا bāsī karnā, To make stale, to vomit. S. باسي वासी (r. वस Dwell) bāsī or vāsī, adj. mas. (used substantively) Inhabitant; as, वनवासी vana-vāsī, Inhabitant of the woods.
بهوکس bhokas
بهوکس bhokas H s. m. A wizard, sorcerer, magi- cian.
بـﮩجت bahjat
بـﮩجت bahjat A s. f. Joy, pleasure, gladness, cheerfulness, alacrity, beauty, grace, excellence.
بهگتنا bhugatnā
بهگتنا bhugatnā S̱. (from بهوگ भोग) v. a. To en- joy, to suffer, to receive the reward of virtue or the punishment of crime, to be requited.
بربولا bur-bolā
بربولا bur-bolā H (from برا Bad, and بولنا To speak) adj. Scurrilous.
بيل bail वलीवर्द्द
بيل bail वलीवर्द्द S̱. s. m. A bull, an ox. (met.) A blockhead.
بيڙ beṛ
بيڙ beṛ H s. m. An enclosure. بيڙبندي کرنا beṛ bandī karnā, To enclose a field.
بنگڙي bangṛī
بنگڙي bangṛī H s. f. An ornament worn on the wrist (properly, made of grass), a bangle.
بخيل baḵẖīl
بخيل baḵẖīl A (from بخل) adj. Miser, niggard.
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