English Meaning of انامت anāmat

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انامت anāmat : انامت anāmat A. for امانت amānat, q. v.

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اوت ot
اوت ot H s. f. 1. Overplus, surplus. 2. Abate- ment. 3. Convalescence.
آدهار ādhār
آدهار ādhār S̱. (आहार Food, or for आधार Support) s. m. Food, aliment, victuals, nourishment, support.
استقلال istiḳlāl
استقلال istiḳlāl A (inf. x. of قلّت) s. m. Absolute power, absolute authority, sovereignty, indepen- dence, absoluteness, intrepidity, resolution, per- severance, vigour.
اٿن aṭan
اٿن aṭan S̱. s. m. plur. of اٿا aṭā, q. v.
آب جاري āb-i-jārī
آب جاري āb-i-jārī P s. Running water; a stream, a rivulet, a current, tears flowing.
اضطرابي iẓt̤irāb-ī
اضطرابي iẓt̤irāb-ī A. s. f. Agitation, hurry, im- patience, precipitation.
اپائي उपाय उप, आ and r. इ Go upāʼe
اپائي उपाय उप, आ and r. इ Go upāʼe S. or upāya, s. m. Expedient, plan, contrivance, scheme, preparation, redress, remedy.
انهان anhān अवगाहन
انهان anhān अवगाहन S̱. s. m. Bathing.
اوباشي aubāsh-ī
اوباشي aubāsh-ī P s. f. Rakishness, dissoluteness, debauchery, dissipation, attending at games and spectacles.
اصحاب aṣʼḥāb
اصحاب aṣʼḥāb A s. plur. (of صاحب) Lords, mas- ters, grandees, companions, friends, apostles. (In composition the word signifies) Possessed of; as اصحاب علم aṣʼḥāb-i-iﻌlm, Learned men, &c.
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