English Meaning of گرامين ग्रामीण grām-īṇ

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گرامين ग्रामीण grām-īṇ : گرامين ग्रामीण grām-īṇ S adj. A villager.

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گنج ganj
گنج ganj H s. m. A scaldhead. (Tinea capitis).
گزنده gazanda
گزنده gazanda P part. act. (of گزيدن) Biting,
کوڙبالا koṛ-bālā
کوڙبالا koṛ-bālā H s. m. The name of a bird, of a snake, and of a flower.
کبودي kabūd-ī
کبودي kabūd-ī P or کبودي رنگ kabūdī rang, adj. Blue, azure. S. کبهارجا कुभार्य्या (कु Bad and भार्य्या Wife, from r. भृ Support or nourish) kubhārjā, s. f. A bad wife.
گل gul
گل gul P s. m. 1. A rose, a flower. 2. The snuff of a candle. 3. The albugo. 4. A seton, an issue, a mark made by burning, brand. 5. Balls of charcoal, used for burning the tobacco in a ḥuḳḳa. 6. The caput mortuum of tobacco left on the tile of a ḥuḳḳa after smoking. گلاچين gul-āchīn, s. m. The name of a flower.
کستوري कस्तूरी kastūrī
کستوري कस्तूरी kastūrī S s. f. Musk.
کشايش kushāʼịsh
کشايش kushāʼịsh P (from کشودن) s. f. Opening, loosening, solving; cheerfulness, hilarity.
کشاسن कुशासन kush-āsan
کشاسن कुशासन kush-āsan S s. m. A mat made of کش kush, q. v.
کاوش kāw-ish
کاوش kāw-ish P (from کاويدن) s. f. 1. Digging. 2. Research, inquiry, investigation, intentness. 3. Menacing, disputing, fighting.
گدڙيا gudaṛiyā
گدڙيا gudaṛiyā H 1. adj. Clothed in patched garments or in rags; a tatterdemalion. 2. One who lets quilts for hire. گدڙياپير gudaṛiyā-pīr, A tree near a town or village on which people tie up rags in the manner of votive tablets, which they believe to be efficacious for the accomplish- ment of their wishes.
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