English Meaning of رشوتي rishwat-ī

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رشوتي rishwat-ī : رشوتي rishwat-ī A. adj. One who takes bribes.

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رجهواڙ rijhwāṛ
رجهواڙ rijhwāṛ S̱. (from رجهانا) adj. Having the quality of being pleased.
روشن roshan
روشن roshan P or raushan, adj. Light, splendid, bright, shining, luminous, manifest, conspicuous. روشن چوکي roshan chaukī, s. f. 1. A kind of serenade, with pipes and small tabours, round the apartment of a great man when he retires to rest. 2. The same kind of musick used on other occasions. روشن دان roshan-dān, s. m. A small hole for admitting light. روشن دل roshan-dil, adj. Enlightened in mind. روشن دماغ roshan-damāg̠ẖ, Snuff. روشن راي roshan- rāʼe, adj. Of enlightened understanding. روشن ضمير roshan-ẓamīr, adj. Enlightened in mind.
رستگاري rastagārī
رستگاري rastagārī P s. f. Salvation, deliverance.
راوچاو rāʼo-chāʼo
راوچاو rāʼo-chāʼo H or rāwchāw, s. m. 1. Gayety, amusement, dalliance, merriment, mirth. 2. Affection, endearment.
رنجش ranjish
رنجش ranjish P (from رنجيدن) s. f. Grief, af- fliction. See رنج ranj.
راچهـ rāchh
راچهـ rāchh H s. m. Apparatus.
رجني रजनी rajanī
رجني रजनी rajanī S s. f. Night.
رقاع riḳāﻌ
رقاع riḳāﻌ A s. 1. A kind of handwriting. 2. Plur. of رقعه ruḳʼaﻌ, q. v.
رم ram
رم ram P (or a. ramm) s. m. Flight, elopement. رم خور ram-ḵẖụr, Taking to flight. رم خورده ram-ḵẖụrda, Taken to flight. رم رهنا ram rahnā, To elope, to remain concealed. رم کرنا ram karnā, To flee, to fly or run away.
رومالي rūmāl-ī
رومالي rūmāl-ī P. s. f. 1. A kind of pigeon. 2. A mode of exercising the arms by turning the mugdars over the head. 3. A sodomite. 4. A handkerchief worn about the head.
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