English Meaning of راتب rātib

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راتب rātib : راتب rātib A s. m. Daily allowance of food (to animals, particularly dogs and elephants), al- lowance, portion, provision.

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راسخ rāsiḵẖ
راسخ rāsiḵẖ A (part. act. of رسوخ) adj. Firm, durable, constant, rooted, sincere, learned.
رموز rumūz
رموز rumūz A (or رموزات) s. plur. of رمز ramz, q. v.
رسن rasan
رسن rasan A s. m. String, cord, rope. (Plur. ارسان arsān). رسن باز rasan-bāz, A ropedancer. رسن ساز rasan-sāz, Ropemaker. S. رسنا रसना (r. रस Taste) rasanā, s. f. The tongue.
روش ravish
روش ravish P (from رفتن) s. f. 1. Custom, fa- shion, institution, law, rule. 2. Avenue, walk, passage, way.
ريزه reza
ريزه reza P s. m. 1. A scrap, piece, bit. 2. Small coin (as, four-rupee-pieces, &c.). 3. A kind of cock. 4. Children employed in mason- work, &c. who receive half, one third, &c. of a manʼs pay. ريزه چين reza-chīn, adj. Picker up of scraps. ريزه چيني reza-chīn-ī, s. f. Picking up of scraps. ريزه خط reza-ḵẖat̤t̤, Fine striped, thin-lined. ريزه ريزه reza reza, 1. s. m. Scraps, pieces. 2. adj. In pieces, broken in pieces, small.
ريحاني rīḥān-ī
ريحاني rīḥān-ī A adj. 1. Of or smelling of the rīḥān. 2. (from the name of the inventor) adj. A kind of Arabic writing (used in titles of books, on monuments, &c.).
روا rawā
روا rawā P 1. part. pres. (from رفتن) Going, passing. 2. adj. Allowable, lawful, current, right, proper, accurate, worthy, obtained. روا دار rawā-dār, An approver, chooser, consenter, approving, judging, or holding (it) right. روا داري rawā-dār-ī, s. f. Approbation. رواکرنا rawā-karnā, To make going, to make obtained.
رافضي rāfiẓī
رافضي rāfiẓī A (part. act. of رفض To reject) s. m. A heretick, particularly a شيعه shīʼaﻌ, q. v.
روکن rūkan
روکن rūkan H s. f. To boot. See روک rūk.
رخن ruḵẖan
رخن ruḵẖan P. s. m. (dakh.) See رخ ruḵẖ.
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