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آب بسته āb-i-basta
آب بسته āb-i-basta P s. A glass.
آب خست āb-ḵẖast
آب خست āb-ḵẖast P s. f. A water-melon, musk-melon, or other fruit the inside of which is acid and perished.
آب دست āb-dast
آب دست āb-dast P s. m. Water for washing the hands; washing the hands; a masterlike work-man who imparts lustre to what he executes; a guiltless faḳīr. adj. Having pure hands.
آبست ābist
آبست ābist P adj. Pregnant, with young.
آبستان ābistān
آبستان ābistān P adj. Pregnant, with young.
آبستن ābistan
آبستن ābistan P adj. Pregnant, with young.
آبستني ābistan-i
آبستني ābistan-i P s. f. Pregnancy.
آبسته ābista
آبسته ābista P adj. Pregnant, with young (a woman or animal): new-born (a child). (Sans. आविष्ट Occupied, engrossed).
آبستگي ābista-gī
آبستگي ābista-gī P s. f. Pregnancy.
آتر आतुर आ and r. तुर Hasten ātur
آتر आतुर आ and r. तुर Hasten ātur S. adj. Agitated, restless, distressed, afflicted.
آتش پرست ātash-parast
آتش پرست ātash-parast P s. m. A worshipper of fire, a guebre, one of the sect of the Magi.
آتش پرستي ātash-parast-ī
آتش پرستي ātash-parast-ī P s. f. The worship of fire.
آتشستان ātash-istān
آتشستان ātash-istān P s. f. The region of fire, a place where fire abounds; (hence the word is applied to) a hot fire of cannon or small arms in battle; a large fire, a funeral pile.
آراسته ārāsta
آراسته ārāsta P adj. Prepared, dressed, adorned, embellished, arranged, regular, improved.
آراستگي ārāsta-gī
آراستگي ārāsta-gī P s. f. Preparation, decora- tion, ornament, regularity, arrangement, disposi- tion, improvement, refinement, amendment.
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