Urdu to English Dictionary: mansion

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بهل منسات bhal-mansāt भद्रभनुष्यता
بهل منسات bhal-mansāt भद्रभनुष्यता S̱. s. f. Humanity, benignity, civility.
بهل منسي bhal-mansī
بهل منسي bhal-mansī S̱. (भद्र Good, and मानुष्य Manhood) s. f. Good-nature, benevolence.
منسا mansā मानस
منسا mansā मानस S̱. s. f. Wish, desire, inten- tion, design, purport, purpose.
منسج mansaj
منسج mansaj A or mansij (noun of place of نسج) s. m. A weaverʼs shop. ¶ minsaj (noun of instrum.) 1. The instrument by which the web is stretched when working. 2. The part of a horse about the fore shoulder and under the mane.
منسروا mansarwā
منسروا mansarwā H s. m. A man, male.
منسوب mansūb
منسوب mansūb A (part. pass. of نسب) adj. Re- lated, deduced from, addicted to, belonging to, depending on, attributed, allied, betrothed. منسوب کرنا mansūb karnā, To attribute, ascribe, impute.
منسوخ mansūḵẖ
منسوخ mansūḵẖ A (part. pass. of نسخ Heb. and Chald. ) adj. Cancelled, obliterated, abo- lished, annulled, erased, broken.
منسيرو manserū
منسيرو manserū S̱. (from मानुष) s. m. A man.
منشا manshā
منشا manshā A (noun of place from نشأ Heb. ) s. m. Allusion, origin, principle, source, begin- ning, intention, design.
منشور manshūr
منشور manshūr A (part. pass. of نشر) 1. adj. Di- vulged, published. 2. s. m. A royal mandate, diploma, patent.
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